Friday, November 30, 2012

I get around

I have been on a road trip all week with Pat and TJ.  We have been to Southern Illinois where we used to live.  We went the Jackson Falls our favorite climbing spot.  We went to Cape Girardeau and visited Aunt Lynn.  I played with their dogs Sophie and Rufus.  We went to the farm again.  We went camping and hiked to the highest place in Missouri.
Today we finally made it back to Jim and Jean's.  They were so happy to see me.  I was happy to see them too.  While we were gone they put a Christmas tree up in the house.  TJ was shaking presents.  I am a good boy and I leave the presents alone.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Farm

Here are things I love about the farm:
Grandma and Grandpa live there.
I get to play with Rusty.
There is lots of room to run and play.
There is really good food and real meat.

Here are things I don't love about the farm:
I have to be outside when my people are inside.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A ride and a nap

We had to drive to Cape Girardeau because TJ and Pat had to teach people about Leave No Trace at the university.  TJ and Pat went to college in Cape Girardeau.  They are very smart.  They both have lots of degrees.  I never went to school.  I was home schooled.  I am very smart too but I don't have any diplomas.  I love riding in the car.
We have been having so much fun.  TJ was so tired that she fell asleep on my face.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The old field

TJ, Pat and I have been visiting Carbondale, Illinois.  When I was just a puppy TJ and Pat picked me out.  Well, they didn't really pick me out because I was the only one left and no one wanted me.  TJ and Pat weren't even sure they wanted me but they took me anyway.  It didn't take them long to fall for me.  Our first home was in Carbondale.  We had a nice little house that we living in for two years.  That is where I learned my manners, my tricks and how to catch a frisbee.  Those were the good old days.  They took me to the old field where we used to go and play.  They threw the stick for me.  It was a great day!


It is so much fun being on a road trip with TJ and Pat.  I am so tired at the end of the day that I need a good night's sleep.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Southern Illinois

I am still on a road trip with Pat and TJ.  I am so happy when I am with them.  I know Jim probably misses me help him work and Jean misses hanging out with me.  But I am having a good time with Pat and TJ.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Another Road Trip

I love sleeping with TJ and Pat.  It is so nice snuggling with them.  When they are in town I get to sleep with them.
We all left and went to the farm.  I helped the men put up Christmas lights outside.  I also played with Rusty.  I told you about Rusty before.  He is my half brother.  I don't know which half of him is my brother but I know we are both beautiful.  When we are at the farm I am an outside dog like Rusty.  I can see my people inside through the patio door.

Tj and Pat were inside a long time helping do human things.  Then they came out and took me for a road trip.  We are going to Jackson Falls.  We used to go there all the time when we lived in Illinois.  I haven't been there for a long time.  I am so excited.  TJ and Pat live in their car so it is full of tents and stuff.  They cleared a nice spot for me to lay right behind them.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Watching the Dog Show

Today I watched the National Dog Show.  I was disappointed that the Australian Shepard did not win.  Do you know why he did not win?  Because he was not a blue merl which we all know is the most beautiful dog in the world.

Turkey for breakfast

Yesterday there were 34 people and 3 dogs here celebrating Thanksgiving.  After everyone left it was just Jim, Jean and me which meant I had to sleep on my bed in the kitchen.  This morning was wonderful because Jim fed me turkey for breakfast.  It was the best breakfast ever!  Jim and Jean did some shopping.  I was glad.  I needed a nap.  I did not get any naps yesterday with all the people here all day.  Then TJ and Pat came back this afternoon.  I was so happy.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Things I am thankful for:
Breakfast and dinner everyday.
TJ and Pat who love me.
Jim and Jean who take care of me.
Tennis balls, sticks and frisbees.
Turkey scraps.
34 of my favorite people coming to visit plus Charlie and Tiffany.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fun with Charlie

Today Charlie came and brought Jen and John with him.  Then TJ and Pat came back.  I was so happy.  We went for a long walk on the trails.  Charlie and I took a swim in the river.  It was a great day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Back to work

Last night when it was time for me to go to bed I was a little confused.  I had been with TJ and Pat the last week and I got to sleep with them.  Last night I slept on my bed in the kitchen by myself.  Today I helped Jim outside with wood.  Jim would throw a stick.  I would bring it back.  When I got tired I chewed on the stick.  Jean took me for a walk.  At first I didn't want to go for a walk.  I was worried that TJ and Pat would come back and I wouldn't be home.  Once we started on the walk and I could smell my favorite spots I was happy to walk.  My friend Sammy was walking with her human.  We went back to Sammy's house and we ran and ran and ran around her yard.  I love playing chase with Sammy.  Today Jean made a new cover for my bed.  It is soft and comfy.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Back to St Louis

Today we drove back to St. Louis.  Well TJ and Pat drove,  I can't drive because I can't reach the pedals.  They dropped me off at Jim and Jean's house.  No one was home so I watched the house.  It wasn't long before Jim came home.  I was so happy to see him.  Then a little while later Jean came home.  I was happy to know that there are still a large supply of stick for me.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kansas City Fun Continues

Yesterday Jim and Jean had to leave Kansas City and go home.  I am still here having fun with TJ and Pat.  I am having fun with my friend Nita.  Kansas City has parks and water.  I love chasing sticks into the water.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

More fun in Kansas City

I am having so much fun in Kansas City with TJ and Pat.  Friday was an exciting day!.  Jim and Jean came to Kansas City to see us.  I was so happy to see them.  Then Tyler came and brought Nita (Beth and Tyler's dog).   We are staying with Beth and I am happy to have another dog to play with.
Pat and TJ took us for a walk.  I like walking with Nita.

Today I had to go to work with Pat and TJ.  We had to tell people about leave no trace. 

It is very hard work. I needed a nap.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another day in Kansas City

I really love being with TJ and Pat.  Don't get me wrong - Jim and Jean are good  people and I am very happy with them.  However, TJ and Pat have had me since I was just a little possum and I just love being with them.  I know Jim needs me to help him work and Jean misses me. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fun in Kansas City

Kansas City has parks.  TJ and Pat took me to one to play frisbee.  I love TJ and Pat and I love going on road trips with them.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A busy day and a nap

I love Kansas City.  We are staying with TJ's friend Beth.  I like staying with Beth because I get to sleep in a real bed with my people.  It was a busy day.  I needed a nap.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kansas City here I come

Today started as a regular day.  I got up, went outside, came in and had breakfast.  Jim and I went outside to do some work.  Then something exciting happened.  TJ and Pat came back.  They packed my stuff and I am going to Kansas City with them.  We are going to have so much fun.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another day, another walk

Last night I got to sleep in my rightful place - with TJ and Pat.  This morning Jim made waffles then TJ and Pat packed up and left.  I was not too concerned.  I know they will come back for me and I like it here with Jim and Jean.  Jim and Jean took me for a nice walk in Castlewood State Park.  Then when we got home Jim and I  worked outside in the yard.  It started to rain so we had to come inside and watch football.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A great day

I got to sleep with Pat and TJ last night.  It was a wonderful night of snuggling.  I am so happy they are here.  Today they took me for a hike at Cliff Cave Park.  It was such a nice day.  There was a great trail.  It went by a cave.

It was the park where I was a ring bearer and TJ and Pat got married.  We posed for a picture at the overlook where I walked up the aisle to deliver the rings.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A big surprise

You will never guess who came to see me.  TJ and Pat did!.  I am so happy.  I wiggled so much.  I love them.  It was the best day ever!


I think company is coming.  We have a room in the house called the guest room.  The door is usually closed to this room.  Jean opened the door and washed the sheets.  I think this means that someone is coming.  I like having company.  I wonder who will come and if they will play with me.  I am excited.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A day of rest

Jim went to work today and I finally got to rest.  We have been working so hard outside all week that I am really tired and needed extended naps.
Jean woke me up at lunchtime and took me for a 2.5 mile walk through the subdivision.  It was a nice day for a walk.  She threw the tennis ball for me too.  Then I took another nap.  I had my dinner then Jim and Jean gave me some mashed pototaoes with chicken gravy.  I was so tired I didn't stand up to eat.

I need to get my rest in because I will be working outside with Jim tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Company for dinner

Today was a regular day.  Jean worked in her office and I helped Jim outside.  Jen and John came for dinner.  They are two of my favorite people.  John threw a stick for me outside.  Jen threw my squeaky bear in the kitchen. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting Day

Today Jim and Jean went to vote.  I don't get a vote.  If I could vote, I would vote for someone who would require people to give dogs three meals a day.  Voting is a popularity contest.  I will tell you who is the most popular - I am!  I have over 1,000 page views on my blog. 

Today I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  Jim stacks up wood.  He throws a stick and I go get it and chew it up.  It was a great day.  Since it rained yesterday and this morning I did get muddy outside.  I was locked in the kitchen until I got a bath.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Snack time

Today it rained most of the day.  This means I was stuck inside.  It did clear up in the afternoon so Jim threw the frisbee and Jean took me for a walk.

Jim likes to have a snack sometimes.  When he brings out the yellow box I get excited because he always shares with me.  I get real close to him and stare at him with my cutest face.  The yellow box has vanilla wafers.  Jim and I really like vanilla wafers.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Clocks, a walk and wood

This morning I woke up and went back to greet Jim and Jean.  They told me I had to go back to bed for an hour.  Apparently someone decided that everyone had to change their clocks so that my breakfast was an hour late.  Not just me - all dogs across the country had to have breakfast an hour late.

After we finally got up and had breakfast Jim and Jean took me for a five mile walk on the trails.  It was a nice day for a walk.

After lunch I helped Jim and Jean outside with the wood.  Usually I help Jim with wood while Jean is working inside but today all three of us were outside.  I helped with the sticks.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A long walk on a fall day

Today Jim and Jean woke up early.  They did not put the gate up so I could go back and greet them when I heard the alarm.  We had breakfast and they went to run a race.  It was a short race because they were not gone very long.  They both came back with plaques because they ran fast.

Jim had to go to work and brew beer.  Jean took me for a long walk on our favorite trail.  It was a nice day for a walk.

Jean let me sniff around.  There are so many good smells on the trail.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hanging Out

When Jim and Jean are both working in their offices I usually hang out somewhere between them which is usually in the hall.  That way I can watch both doors so I won't miss anything.
At dinner time I like to sniff the air in the kitchen.  The aroma will tell me if I have might have a treat coming.  Last night was vegetable soup.  I don't get very excited about that.  Tonight I smelled something good.  They were having pork loin.  I anxiously waited for them to finish eating hoping they would save some for me.  It was my lucky day.  I got some bites of meat.  Mmm-mmm good.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall in Missouri

I like fall in Missouri.  The summer was awfully hot for a guy with a thick fur coat.  The fall weather is very cool and comfortable.  I also like it when the leaves fall.  I like running through the leaves.  I also like to find a stick and just lay in the leaves with my stick.