Monday, April 4, 2016


Today Jim, Jean, TJ and Pat took me to Castlewood for a hike.  It was just a short hike.  Then we went to the river and found a stick.  They threw the stick for me and I got to go swimming.  It was fabulous!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


You will never guess what happened.  Yesterday was pretty much a regular day.  We took our walk in the evening.  We were relaxing and watching TV.  I was getting tired so I put myself to bed.  It was late and I heard a car in the driveway.  This surprised me because I did not know who would come to our house so late.  It was almost midnight - way past our bedtime.  It was TJ and Pat!  They came all the way from Colorado just to see me.  I was so excited.

Today we went for a nice walk on the new trail.