Thursday, March 31, 2016

Getting Ready

Today I spent time outside with Jim.  He popped up the camper to clean it out.  He is getting ready to sell it.  I helped by staying outside and enjoying the day.
Then Jim trimmed up my hair.  I am getting ready for hot weather.  I feel so good and beautiful.

Next I helped Jim and Jean put clean sheet on the guest room bed.  This means company is coming.  I wonder who it is.

I made sure to put a tennis ball on the bed so the guests would play with me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Today I helped Jim wash the camper.  It has to be nice and  clean so he can sell it.  Then we went for a walk before lunch.  We cut the walk short because the sky was getting dark.  It rained and there was very loud thunder.  I stayed very close to Jean in her office while it stormed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

So Tired

I had a busy day.  Jim and I got in the Envoy and drove to the farm this morning.  We visited with Grandma and Grandpa.  We helped Grandpa with chores on the farm.  Then we hooked up the camper and brought it home.  We are going to sell the camper because Jim and Jean are buying a new one that is easier to set up.  When we got home Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a run.  I was tired and was not interested in running.  I wanted to walk and sniff.  Jim turned around with me and we walked to the river where I got to go wading.  Jean finished her run.  Then we came home for dinner.  I am so tired after my busy day.

Monday, March 28, 2016

My spot of sunshine

I love to lay in my spot of sunshine.  When the sun moves my spot of sun shine gets smaller and I have to move close to the window.

Today we took a walk in the subdivision.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Today is Easter.  Jim and Jean went to visit Jim and Linda.  They sent home a special gift for me - the ham bone - yum!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I am seven years old.  I am a mature dog.  Jim and Jean got up and gave me breakfast.  They went to the botanical garden.  I am not allowed to go to the botanical garden.  They came home and gave me lunch.  We went outside and checked on the vineyard.  My good friend Maddie was out for her walk.  When I first met Maddie she was so small she ran under my body.  She grew very fast and very big.  Maddie is shy but she loves me.  She is a Great Dane.
Next we went for a 6 mile hike.  We hiked on the new trail and on the other new trail.  They need to give these trails some new names.

After hiking we were hungry.  We went to Lucky's.  Jim bought pizza and beer.  We sat outside because dogs are allowed on patio seating.  I got a cup of water and some pizza crust.  It was very tasty.  When we got home Jim finished off a carton of ice cream and I got to lick the carton.  It was a good birthday.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Watching Jim

I always keep my eye on Jim.  When we are working I watch him to make sure he is doing the work right and see if he needs my help.  When he is eating I watch him carefully because he likes to share his food with me. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Outside Time

I get a lot of outside time.  Sometime I work outside with Jim and sometimes I go for walks or runs.  Jim and Jean make sure I get plenty of exercise and outside time.  I love working outside with Jim.  We worked on wood today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Golf and a New Trail

Today Jim played golf all day.  I would like to go with him but I am not allowed to play golf.  When he got home Jean was done working.  We went to the new trail to take a hike.  The new trail is so  new it doesn't have a  name yet.  It is newer than the other new trail.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Busy Day

Jean took me for a run at lunch.  I worked outside with Jim all afternoon.  Jean's mom came and they went to quilt club.  I stayed home with Jim and watched TV.  It was a busy day.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Regular Monday

Today was a regular Monday.  Jean worked.  Jim cleaned house.  I made sure to shake some hair out so Jim had something to clean.  Jim went to the dentist.  I waited for him to come home.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  I saw some of my friends.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

My quilt

Jean made a quilt of me.  It is beautiful just like me.  She put it in a show and won an award.  She made quilts of Jen and John and one of TJ and Pat.  They were in quilt shows but they did not win awards because they are not a beautiful as me.  I cannot lay on this quilt.  It is to hang on the wall and look at.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March Madness

There is a basketball tournament called March Madness.  Jim takes this very seriously.  I know why it is call March Madness - because if Jim's team loses he gets mad.  He says bad words and makes X's all over his bracket paper. 

Today it was cool again.  We took a nice long hike on the Rock Hollow Trail.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Pat

Today is Pat's birthday.  Pat is one of my owners.  He adopted me when I was just a little possum.  It was the best day of my life.  I love Pat.  Pat has been travelling the country working but he is going to come get me soon and I am going to live with him and TJ forever and ever.  I can't wait.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I am a working dog

I work with Jim outside every day.  It is what I do because I am a working dog.  I chase tennis balls and sticks and make sure Jim is doing the work right.  Then I take Jim and Jean for a walk.  I am exhausted and the end of the day because I work so hard.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Working Hard

Jim and I have been working outside every day.  We are tired at the end of the day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Voting Day

Today was voting day.  I cannot vote because I am not 18.  I am a US citizen because I was born here but I don't know where my birth certificate is so I can't register.  There are not any dog issues on the ballot.  As long as I have my people to feed me and play with me and take me for walks I don't much care who is elected.

I helped Jim outside again.  After dinner Jim and Jean took me for a walk.  We have more daylight now so we can take a long walk after dinner.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ready for Spring

Today I helped Jim outside.  He took the snow blade off the tractor and put on the mower.  Jean thinks that this will make it snow.  Jim thinks it is spring.  I think I like being outside with Jim whether there is snow or not.  Jim throws the tennis ball for me and I am happy.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happy Hiking

Today was another wet misty day.  Jean can only take so much inside time.  She took Jim and me for a hike on the Rock Holly Trail.  It was misty but we didn't get too wet.  We saw Kathy and two of her dog's Buddy and Maisey.

I like Kathy and I like her dogs.  She has another dog at home named Tyler.  He is very old and can't take long walks.  I like Tyler too.

When we got home I got a drink out of the pond.  All of the fish made it through the winter.  Then I went inside and had a belly bath.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Wet Day

Today was a wet drizzly day.  I spent most of the day inside.  Jim threw the ball for me in the basement but besides that it was pretty boring.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Helping Jim

Today I helped Jim outside all day.  He was using his wood chipper machine.  It is very loud.  I stay a safe distance away and supervise from the tree.  It was a nice day to be outside.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Our Yard

This morning Jim looked out the window.  He saw two coyotes.  I looked out the window.  I saw the coyotes.  I barked at them.  I wanted to go outside and see if they wanted to play.  Jim would not let me go outside.  He told me coyotes would not make good playmates.

Jean took me for a run before dinner.  Jim didn't go.  I wanted to stay home with him because if I went for a run my dinner would be late.  I was hungry.  But Jean talked me into going.  We had a nice run then I came home and had my dinner.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

More work and walks

Today I took Jim and Jean for a walk at lunchtime.  It was a nice day.  Some of my friends were outside.  Then in the afternoon I helped Jim fix his shredder machine.  He worked in the garage but I enjoyed the sun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016

Work and walks

Today I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  He was planting his grape vine clippings.  I enjoyed the sunshine and chased a ball.
Then we took a little rest on the sun porch.
After dinner we took Jean for a walk in the neighborhood.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

New hiking trails

Today Jim and Jean took me hiking.  First we went to Glasberg Conservation Area.  There was a creek for me to get water.  Jim carries water and my bowl in case there isn't a creek.
 We hiked up and down a lot of hills.
Then we went to LaBarque Creek Conservation Area.  That was a nice trail too.  We brought a picnic lunch.
 There was a creek on that trail too.  I like creeks.
It was a beautiful day.  We saw lots of people and dogs on the trail.  They all told me I was beautiful.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A good Saturday

This morning we got up early.  Jim and Jean went for a race.  Jennifer went for the race too.  She came back to the house first and took a shower because she had to go to a meeting.  Jim and Jean came home then Jen left. 

Next Jim and Jean put me in the car.
We went to the trail for a nice hike.

We hiked a trail up the bluff that I had not been on before.  Then we came home.  We had lunch on the deck because it is a nice sunny day.  Then Jim and I took a little rest in the sunshine on the deck.

 I was helping Jim outside and our friend Larry came over to check on his deer blind.  He can't hunt right now because hunting season is over but he is going to come back next year.

They threw the ball for me.  I had a good Saturday.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Helping Jim Again

No rain today. I helped Jim outside most of the day. 
The weather is getting warmer and the flowers are starting to bloom.
When I have had a busy day I put myself to bed early.  I just tiptoe into the kitchen and go to bed.