Sunday, January 31, 2016

Another nice day

Today was another beautiful day.  Jim and Jean went for a race in the morning.  They came home with trophies.   They think they run fast but I run so much faster.

They took me to a walk an Klamberg Woods Nature Trail.  This is a trail by Bluebird Park.  There were a lot of people and dogs in the park.  We had a nice walk.

When we got home we sat on the deck and relaxed.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hiking a new trail

Today we went to the Young Conservation Area to hike.  It was a new trail for us.  It was a beautiful warm day.  The humans didn't even need coats.  The trail was wonderful.  There was a pond.
After we hiked a while we found a nice place for lunch.  Jim and Jean had sandwiches.  I had a dog treat.
 They brought my bowl for water. 
We had a nice place in the woods for lunch.
There were lots of creek crossings where I could get a cool drink.
When we got back to the car I laid down and took a nap.  I was so tired.
When we got home I had to have my feet and belly washed in the big sink because I was muddy.

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Nice Day

Today was a nice warm and sunny day.  We took a run at lunchtime.  Then in the afternoon Jim put on his work clothes and we went outside and fixed the fence.  It was a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Jim and I work very, very hard.  Sometimes we need a nap in the afternoon.  Today Jim went grocery shopping while I watched over the house.  Then at lunchtime we took Jean for a walk in the neighborhood.  We were tired in the afternoon so we took a little nap.  Jean just sits at her desk and types all day.  She does not need a nap.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Playing and Running

Today Jim played with me I the basement.  He threw my toy.  Then at lunchtime Jim and Jean took me for a run in the neighborhood.  It was a good day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Looking out the Window

I love this house.  Most of the window are low enough for me to look out.  I watch for the UPS man to bring packages.  Today I looked out the window and I saw a big flock of turkeys.  I like watching out the window.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Walking at Lunch

Today we took a walk in the neighborhood at lunch.  None of my friends were outside but it was still a nice walk.  I like being with Jim and Jean outside.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hiking Castlewood

Today we got up early and went to hike at Castlewood State Park.  First we took a car ride. 
It is a short ride to Castlewood.  First we hiked up the big hill.

Then we hiked along the bluff.  Then we went down 200 stairs and along the river.
Jim wore his new Keen shoes.  They are waterproof so they kept him warm and dry.
When we get back to the car I put my feet up on the car.
Then Jim picks up my butt and helps me in the car.  I can jump in by myself but Jim really likes to help me.
My tummy was dirty so I had to have a tummy wash when I got home.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Walking at Lunchtime

Jean likes to take a walk or a run at her lunch break.  Today we went to the trail to walk.  We were surprised that they cleared the snow off the trail.  It was a nice walk.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


This morning I helped Jim in the garage.  He put a new battery in the car.  Before lunch I took Jim and Jean for a run in the neighborhood.  I am a hard working boy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Snow Day

It snowed last night.  I love the snow.  I helped Jim outside all morning with clearing the driveway.

Sometime I like to rest in the snow.  Jean thinks I am hard to find in the snow.
Jim took a walk in his new shoes.  They kept him warm and dry.  I gave him the shoes for Christmas.  I gave Jean Smartwool gloves that she loves and wears all the time.  TJ and Pat did the shopping and wrapping but since I am their dog the gifts are from me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Helping Jim

Today I helped Jim outside all day.  We brought lots of wood up.  It had been cold and it is supposed to snow tonight.  Jim drives his tractor to the woodpile.  I follow him with my ball.  Then he throws the ball and loads wood in the cart.  Then he drives the wood to the house.  I follow him with the ball.  Then he throws the ball and unloads the wood.  We do this over and over and over.  It is so much fun.  I am tired.

Monday, January 18, 2016

My Santa Toy

I have a Santa Toy.  It has a plastic bottle in it so when I chew on it there is a wonderful crinkling sound.  Jim put a brand new bottle in it so now it makes more noise than ever.  I kind of chewed it so the elastic that held the bottle in fell out.  It was in Jean's sewing room to be mended.  I kept taking it to play with.  Jean finally sewed it and I was so happy.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


We woke up this morning to a surprise.  It was snowing.  There was not much snow but there was enough that we needed to go outside and shovel the driveway and sidewalk.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Good Day for a Hike

Today we took a hike on the Bluff View Trail.  Jim and Jean had to put on warm coats but I am always wearing my warm coat. 

When we got home we saw some deer

Friday, January 15, 2016


Today we took a walk at lunch.  We have taken a walk or a run at lunch every day this week.  Yesterday was warm and all my friends were outside.  Today was cold and no one was out.  When we got home I helped Jim read his magazine.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jim's New Shoes

Jim has new shoes.  I gave them to him for Christmas.  We actually, TJ and Pat gave them to him but I am their dog so I game them to him too.  He likes his new shoes.  I like when Jim and Jean put on shoes.  Today they took me for a run in the neighborhood wearing their running shoes.  I don't wear shoes.  I have boots but I only wear them when I have a cut on my foot or it is really icy outside.

Hanging Out

Jim and I spend a lot of time hanging out.  Jim will read a magazine while I take a nap.  It is a good way to spend an afternoon.

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Long Run

Today we took a run before lunchtime.  We usually run up the hill and all around the subdivision.  This is about 2.5 miles.  Today Jim and Jean decided to run the neighborhood twice.  This was longer that usual.  I know I am their coach but I wanted to come home and have my cookie for lunch.

Tonight Jean put her quilt blocks on the floor.  I walked on them and she told me "no".  I helped her with her quilt.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cold Day

Today was a very cold day.  It didn't bother me much but the humans don't want to spend much time outside when the temperature drops to the single digits.  I helped Jim get wood to put in the fire to keep the house nice and warm.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


We finally got some snow.  It was not very much but at least we got a little. It was not enough to even have to shovel.  I love the snow.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Today was mostly boring.  However, boring days are mostly good.  I get breakfast. I get to nap.  I get a dog cookie with peanut butter for lunch.  I take another nap.  I get to hang out with Jim and Jean.  I get dinner.  I go outside several times to help Jim get wood.  Life is good for a dog.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My favorite new toy

I got a pup pop for Christmas.  It is my favorite toy.  It think Charlie gave it to me.  I carry it around with me.  I take a nap with it.  I love my pup pop.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Heaven in a Jar

For Christmas TJ and Pat gave me a whole jar of peanut butter.  It is just for me.  It has my name written on it.  It is not kept in the pantry next to Jim and Jean's peanut butter.  It is kept next to my box of dog cookies.  Now every day at lunch when I get my cookie, Jim puts a little peanut butter on it.  Peanut butter is so good it is heaven in a jar.

Today we took a walk at lunchtime.  I helped Jim outside a while and I helped Jean in her office.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ready for winter

Today we went for a run at lunchtime.  Then after lunch I helped Jim outside.  He took the mower off the John Deere and put the snow blade on.  Now we are ready for winter.

After all that work I was tired and needed a nap.  Sometime I like to nap with my head handing over the top step.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Helping Jim Outside

Today I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  It was glorious!  First we brought wood from the woodpile down in the yard to the woodpile by the house.  Then we took down the outside Christmas lights.  I just love being outside with Jim.