Monday, August 31, 2015


Today was boring.  Breakfast, nap, tennis ball, nap, lunch, feed fish, tennis ball, nap, tennis ball, nap, dinner, nap. tennis ball, nap.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Feeding the Fish

Every day after lunch we all go outside and feed the fish.  I always find a tennis ball while Jim and Jean are feeding the fish.  If they don't pay attention to me then I drop the tennis ball in the pond.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


This morning was a lazy sleep in Saturday.  Jean went for a run.  I stayed home with Jim.  Jim and Jean went and did some shopping but were home to give me dinner.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Cross Country

Today Jim and Jean took me to Castlewood State Park.  I thought we were going for a regular walk.  When we arrived there were people, lots of people.  There was a cross country race going on.  There were a lot of kids who wanted to pet me and tell me how beautiful I am.

First we saw a very famous person, Sarah Haskins.  Sarah was on the US Olympic team.  She was there with her little daughter Caroline.  Caroline liked to pet me.
Next we went to watch the races.  You won't believe who we saw.  Jennifer was there!  I went up behind her and walked between her legs.  I surprised her.  She was happy to see me.  I helped her cheer her team.

I have to tell you something about cross country races that I do not like at all.  When they start a race they shoot a gun!  I do not like gunshots.  No wonder those racers run so fast - they are trying to get away from that gun.  I was very brave and did not cry.

After the races were over Jim threw a stick for me then we went home.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Another Hot Dog

Jim and Jean went for another race.  When they got home I smelled hot dogs.  Jim brought me a hot dog but he took a bite out of it.  He gave me a little piece and saved the rest for tomorrow.  This was real meat hot dog.  It was so good.  Yum.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

National Dog Day

Today is national dog day.  It is a day just for me.  I wonder why no one bought my a present on national dog day.  I did get a treat and a walk.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Half my life

In August of 2012, TJ, Pat and I loaded up our Volkswagen Passat in Idaho and drove all the way to Missouri.  We went to visit Jim and Jean.  Well, I thought we were just visiting.  TJ and Pat went off to explore the world and left me with Jim and Jean.  That was 3 years ago.  I miss TJ and Pat but I have a good life here with Jim and Jean.  They take good care of me and I help them do lots of work around here.  I lived with TJ and Pat for 3 years and now I have been with Jim and Jean for 3 years - half of my life.  I just know TJ and Pat will come and get me someday.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to Work

I am home and back to work with Jim.  I didn't have to do much work at Jen and John's.  I kept track of Charlie and tennis balls.  Today Jim worked on the  camper.  He fixed the lights and made sure it was dry.  I helped him.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

My Weekend

This weekend Jim and Jean went camping.  They were going to go to wineries and breweries and placed I cannot go.  They did not want to leave me in the camper by myself because there could have been thunder.  There was also a shooting range nearby and there were loud noises.  So they left me at Charlie's house.  I really like Charlie's house.  We get to play ball in the house.  Charlie has a whole box of tennis balls and I can get them out and leave them all over the house.  Jean and Jim picked me up today.  I was happy to see them but I had fun with Charlie.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Washing Cars

Today Jim and I spent all day outside washing the cars.  It was a beautiful day.  I chased the tennis ball and enjoyed the weather.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A regular day

It was a regular day.  Jean worked.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk after dinner.  It is nice weather for August.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Playing Ball in the Thunder

Today there was thunder.  Jim took me outside and threw the tennis ball.  I was having so much fun that I forgot that thunder was scary.  We came inside when it started to rain.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to Work

Today I helped Jim outside all day.  I helped him get the camper ready.  Jim and Jean can't decide if they are taking me camping or leaving me at Charlie's house.

The FedEx guy came and left a package for TJ and Pat.

After dinner Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the subdivision.  First we walked up the big hill.  Then we walk around the circles.  Usually we pass our street and walk around the rest of the circles then back home.  Tonight when we were walking I heard thunder.  I refused to finish the walk.  I pulled them home.  I do not like thunder!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A day of rest

Today was a day of rest.  Jean got up early and went for a run.  Jim went for a bike ride.  I stayed home and rested.  Then they played some tennis ball with me.  But today I mostly rested.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Party Time

Today we had a party.  It was Jean's Mom's birthday.  Lots of people came.  Charlie came in his new van.  There were children.  I like children.  Paisley threw the ball for me lots of times.  It was a fun day.


This morning we took a nice walk on the trail before it got hot.  There was a deer near the trail.  It was snorting at us.  Deer snort when they don't like you.  I was too busy sniffing around to pay attention to the deer.  I don't care about deer when we are hiking.  But I do not like deer in the vineyard.  This is because Jim does not like deer in the vineyard.  Deer eat Jim's grapevines.  If there is a deer in the vineyard I will scare it off.  TJ and Pat taught me not to mess with the wildlife.  I do not mess with the wildlife unless it is deer in the vineyard.  I occasionally chase a frog also.  I like to watch them hop into the pond.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Working Hard

Jim and I worked very hard today.  I don't remember what we were working hard at but we worked so hard we needed a nap.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sealing the Driveway and Hotdogs

I helped Jim outside all day.  He was sealing the driveway.  To seal the driveway he paints black stuff on it.  He ties me in the garage because I walk through the black stuff and get it all over my paws.
Then the black stuff dried and he let me free.  Then he mowed the grass in the vineyard.  I supervised.
Next we had dinner.  After dinner Jim and Jean went for their race.  They always have hot dogs and beer after the race.  The exciting part is that there were left over hot dogs and Jim brought me two hot dogs.  I did all my best trick because I love hot dogs.
 I rolled over.
 I played dead.
 I shook hands.  I love hot dogs.  These were real meat hot dogs.  Yummy.  Jim loves me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Watching for Jean

Sometimes Jean gets up early and takes a run before she has breakfast.  She leaves Jim and me home.  I watch for her out the kitchen window.  I like to know where all my humans are.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Monday

My Monday was boring.  Jim had a headache so we staying inside and rested.  Jean took me for a walk after dinner and I got to see my friends.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A nice walk

This morning Jean wanted to take a run.  Jim did not feel like running.  We all went to the trail.  Jean took off on her run.  Jim took me for a nice long walk.  He walked me to the river to get a drink.  Then we all met at the car.  When we got home they went out to check on the garden and vineyard.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Home Alone

Saturday Jim and Jean are supposed to play with me all day.  Here is my Saturday:

We got up early and had breakfast.  Jim put the bikes on the bike rack.  Then their friends Sarah and Bill rode their bikes down from the subdivision.  I like Sarah and Bill.  They let me visit their house.  Bill threw the ball for me.  Then they put me in the house and they drove off with their bikes on the back of the car.  I stayed home and took a long nap.

Then they got home and played with me a little.  Then they gave me dinner and left again to go out to eat.  I was home alone until they came home after dark.  Jim gave me a cookie and it was bed time.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hanging Out with Jim

I like hanging out with Jim.  Today we went outside and worked in the vineyard.  Jim picked 4 grapes.  He ate two and gave Jean two.  He gave me zero.  There are not enough grapes for wine.  Then we played some tennis ball.  Then we rested.  Jean worked then she took me for a walk.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Helping Jim

Today I helped Jim in the garage.  He was fixing his weed eater.  I was playing with my outside tennis ball. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


TJ and Pat don't have a mailbox.  They don't have a house.  They live in a tent.  They pitch their tent all over the country.  They get mail and packages here.  Today a package came for them. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My friend Tucker

I have a friend in the subdivision named Tucker.  Today Jim and Jean were taking me for a walk.  Tucker escaped from his yard and was running free.  He ran down the street to see me.  Jim put my leash on him and walked him home.  Jim knew that I would not run away.  I stayed with Jim and Jean but I did stop to visit my friend Sammie.  Tucker lives next door to Sammie.

Jen and John came for lunch today.  I have not seen them in a long, long time.  They did not bring Charlie because they were doing some shopping and it is too hot to leave a dog in the car.  I liked visiting with them.

Monday, August 3, 2015

The fence

Jim built a big fence around the vineyard and garden.  This fence keeps the deer out but the raccoon still come in.  They ate all the peach.  Every single one.  They also like tomatoes.  I stay away from the fence because it will sting you if you touch it.  I usually find a nice shady spot by a tree so I can watch Jim.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A nice walk

This morning we got up to take a hike before it got too hot.  We went to the bluff view trail.  We have been on the trail before but not a lot of times.  It was a nice shady walk but it was still hot.  The creek did not have water so Jean poured some water from her water bottle into her hands so I could have a drink.  She shared her water with me.  Jim found an old basketball in the gulley and carried it out and threw it away.  Then we went to the river so I could have a drink and cool off.  It was a nice hike.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

My mail

We have been getting a lot of post cards this summer.  Jen and John sent us post cards all the way from Alaska.  TJ and Pat sent me a post card from Colorado.  Jean always reads the post cards to me.  This one said that TJ and Pat are going to come see me in a couple of months.  I am so excited.  I can't wait to see them.  I miss them so much but I have a good life here with Jim and Jean.