This morning Jim and Jean left to go have breakfast with Jen and John. Then came home and then their friends Dan and Jane came over. They barbecued. Dan and Jane loved me. We went out and checked the vineyard. There have been deer in the vineyard. This makes Jim mad. I am not allow to chase deer so I can't help him.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
My mail
Today I got very important mail. Usually I get post cards from TJ and Pat. Today I got a post card from my vet. It said that I have to go for a check up next month and get a shot. This is very important to keep me healthy. Jim will take me to make sure I am healthy.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Work and a nap
Today Jim and I worked outside. It rained so we came in. Then it stopped raining so we went back outside to work. Then we came in again. I was tired so I laid down in Jean's office and took a nap. Jean said I was snoring. Then we went out and worked again. I was so tired but after dinner Jean took me for a walk.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
This morning I helped Jim outside in the vineyard. This afternoon there were storms. Jim just took a nap right through the storms. I went to Jean's office and laid real close until the storms were over.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Boring Day
Today Jim went to help Jen and John fix their fence. I was stuck here with Jean who just sits at her computer and works. Boring.
Monday, May 25, 2015
More Hiking
This is a three day weekend. This means that we get to take long hikes three days in a row. Jim and Jean had races in the morning but we got to hike in the afternoon. Jim and Jean were in the Olympics. Today Jim threw the stick in the river and I got to play fetch over and over.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Another Day another hike
Today we went for a nice hike at Castlewood State Park. I got to take a swim in the creek. The creek is clean and clear and refreshing. There were some little kids playing in the creek. They liked me. They thought I was a very good swimmer.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
A nice day for a walk
This morning Jim and Jean got up early and went for a race. In the afternoon we took a nice walk on the trail. I love going to the trail.
We walked down to the river so I could cool off my feet and get a drink of water.
We saw a turtle. I was interested in the turtle but I had to leave it alone.
We walked down to the river so I could cool off my feet and get a drink of water.
We saw a turtle. I was interested in the turtle but I had to leave it alone.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Our Duck
We have a duck. Well it's not really our duck. It's a wild duck that decided to build a nest on the hill right below the driveway. It has eggs in its nest. I am not allowed to go near the duck or its nest. I am just curious but Jim and Jean tell me "leave it". So I leave it alone.
We took a walk in the neighborhood this evening. I got to see my friend Sammy. I was so happy to see her. I haven't seen her in a while.
TJ and Pat sent me another post card. They have been to Red Wood National Park in California. I sure miss TJ and Pat.
We took a walk in the neighborhood this evening. I got to see my friend Sammy. I was so happy to see her. I haven't seen her in a while.
TJ and Pat sent me another post card. They have been to Red Wood National Park in California. I sure miss TJ and Pat.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Another day of work
After a rainy day yesterday today was another day of work. Jim and I worked in the vineyard all day. I chased the tennis ball. Jen and John came but Charlie stayed at home. The humans all went for a race while I watched over the house. I needed a nap after my day of work.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
A Hard Day's Work
Today I helped Jim outside all day. He was raking. I chased the tennis ball so many times that otonight I was exhausted. Jean went downstairs to pin a quilt. I usually go down to help her. I drip the ball on the quilt and she throws it. Tonight I stayed upstairs and napped. I was so tired after my hard day's work.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Cleaning Day
Monday is cleaning day. I do not like cleaning day much. Jim tied me outside where I could enjoy the nice day while the vacuum was making noise. I enjoy being outside.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
This morning Jim and Jean did not get up and give me breakfast until 7:30. I like my breakfast earlier. They took me for a walk in the neighborhood. I saw my friend Maddie. Maddie is a Great Dane. She is huge but she is very shy. She loves me but she is scared of most other dogs.
I have my woods. I have three acres of woods. I mostly stay near the house or stay close to Jim. I have to share my woods with deer, turkeys, squirrels and chipmunks. They can visit my woods but they are mine.
I have my woods. I have three acres of woods. I mostly stay near the house or stay close to Jim. I have to share my woods with deer, turkeys, squirrels and chipmunks. They can visit my woods but they are mine.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Saturday with Jim and Jean
On Saturday sometimes we get up early and start our day. Today it was raining so it was a good day to sleep in. This means my breakfast is late. I would rather get up early for breakfast but I do whatever Jim and Jean want to do. It quit raining in the afternoon. We went for a nice walk on the trail. There was water in the creek. Then we went out to eat. The restaurant had patio seating so I was allow to go. They brought me a bowl of water and Jim and Jean gave me French fries and some hamburger. I like going out to eat.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Today Jean had to run an errand at her lunchtime. Jim went for a bike ride. I was home alone for an hour. When Jean got back I was beside myself with fear. I could sense that a storm was coming. I had two toys in my mouth and I was pacing around the house waiting for the storm to come. Jim got home before the rain came. I stayed close to Jean while it thundered. I feel better with two toys in my mouth.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
A day of rest
We have been working very, very hard. This morning is was raining so we finally got a day of rest. I needed a nap after all the work I have been doing.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
A good day to play ball
Now that my foot is healed I can run and play. Last week I had a cut on my paw that kept opening up when I ran. Jim and Jean would not throw the ball and I had to wear my boot when I was outside. Now it is all better and I can run and play. Yippee.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
My new friend
Today was a busy day. It was the day to pour cement on the new parking pad. First Dale came. I don't know how he made it here without Tiffany. Tiffany usually comes and brings Dale with her. Then Sparky came. He brought his human Dan with him. I like Sparky. Sparky had to be tied up because he didn't understand that he wasn't allow to run through the wet cement. After three times he had to be tied up. Jim and Bob also came to help. The big cement truck came and the men worked all day. The men like to throw the ball for me so I got the play a lot. My foot is all better so I don't have to wear my boot any more. I did drop my ball on the cement a few time because I know the men would get the ball a throw it for me.
Monday, May 11, 2015
More Work
It stormed last night in the middle of the night. I started the night in my bed but when it started storming I went to Jim and Jean's room. I like to be close to my humans when it storms. This afternoon it was sunny so Jim and I did more work.
The mailman came and brought me a postcard from TJ and Pat. They always send me postcards.
The mailman came and brought me a postcard from TJ and Pat. They always send me postcards.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mother's Day
Today is a day where we celebrate mother's. Yesterday we went to see Jim's mother. She lives at the farm with Lady. I love going there. Today Jim and Jean went to visit Jean's mother. I really like Jean's mother but I do not get to go to her house. I only see her when she comes here. A mother is someone who takes care of you and loves you no matter what. I had a dog mother when I was just a little puppy. I don't really remember her but I am sure she fed me and took care of me. TJ is my real mother because she adopted me and took care of me and loves me. Now Jean is my foster mother. She loves me and takes care of me but it is just until TJ come back to get me. I miss my TJ.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Going Visiting
Today we got up early. Jim and Jean got ready to go. I thought they were going to leave me home but they told me to get in the car. We went to the farm! It was rainy so We didn't spend too much time outside. First I was stuck on the screen porch. After whining a while they let me in. Tiffany was also visiting. She brought Dale and Tammy along with her. The humans all went out for dinner. They left me in the house to watch over Tiffany. Tiffany is very easy to dog sit because she is very little and she behaves very well. Jim brought me home some steak and chicken scraps. I like it when the humans go out to dinner. We drove home then I got my real dinner. It was a late dinner but I didn't mind because I got to go to the farm.
Friday, May 8, 2015
This morning we had storms. I spent the morning with Jean in her office. Then Jim had a photography customer come. I am a very good photographer's assistant but Jim did not let me help. He closed Jean's office door. I like hanging out with Jean but when there is someone here I like to meet them in case they want to play with me. I stared at the door and whined the whole time.
Then the sun came out and Jim and I went outside to measure and figure out how much concrete we need. If he measured right then we will only need one concrete truck. If he measure wrong then we will run out and have to order another truck.
Then the sun came out and Jim and I went outside to measure and figure out how much concrete we need. If he measured right then we will only need one concrete truck. If he measure wrong then we will run out and have to order another truck.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
I Love Spring
I love springtime because Jim and I spent most days outside. It is fabulous. We have so much work to do outside.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
A dog's work
A dog's work is never done. Jim and I worked outside all day again today. I love working outside with Jim. Jean just works at her desk inside every day. Outside work is much more fun.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
More Work
Jim and I have so much work to do outside in the spring time. We have to mow the grass and take care of the vineyard and garden. This is so exhausting sometimes I need a nap. The grass is cool and soft and a good place for an afternoon siesta.
Monday, May 4, 2015
More Gravel
The big truck came Friday and dumped a load of gravel. I helped Jim spread the gravel. Then he decided he measured wrong and need more gravel. The gravel truck came back and dumped more gravel today. This meant Jim and I spent the whole day outside working.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Helping plant a garden
Today I helped Jim and Jean plant a garden. I still have to wear my boot outside because they want to make sure my foot heals and does not bleed any more. Charlie spent the whole day looking for critters in the woodpiles. Then in the evening Charlie went home. Now it's back to Jim, Jean and me.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Helping Jim
I have been helping Jim a lot. He had gravel delivered yesterday. He has worked very hard to spread the gravel even. I help him. I still have to wear my boot outside so I don't hurt my foot again. Jim has me on tennis ball restriction too. I don't like that very much. Charlie spends all his time trying to catch a critter in the wood pile. Charlie is a funny dog. I like dog sitting Charlie.
Friday, May 1, 2015
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