Saturday, January 31, 2015

I good day for a walk

This morning Jim and Jean got up early to go for a race.  I am their running coach but I do not get to go to races with them.  When they came home they took me to the trail for a walk.  I like it when they race in the morning then take me for a walk.  They are tired and don't want to walk real fast so I get to sniff all I want.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Working Every Day

Another nice day to work outside with Jim.  I have been so tired in the evening I can hardly move.  After a good night's sleep I am ready to go back to work.  I love being a working dog.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The UPS Man

The UPS man is my friend.  He drives a big brown truck and sometimes he comes to see me.  He likes me.  Today he came and brought a big box from TJ and Pat.  It had a bunch of their stuff but it also had a collar for me and hats and stuff for Jim and Jean. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Working all day

Today was another wonderful day working outside with Jim.  I am so happy when Jim puts on his working clothes and we go outside and work.  I get to run and play tennis ball.  I have so much fun outside.  When we come in I am hungry and tired.  I am ready for dinner and a nap.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jim's Helper

I am Jim's helper.  Today he was splitting wood.  I spend every minute outside with him.  I don't know what he would do without me.  He would be lonely outside all by himself.  I chased the tennis ball until I got tired then I laid down in the leaves and watch him split wood.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Working outside with Jim

Today Jim and I were outside working.  Last week the tree men came and cut down some trees.  Now Jim and I have to split the wood and stack it up.  Well actually Jim does the splitting and stacking and I chase the tennis ball.  I am a big help.  Jim would be lonely without me to help him.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Helping Jean

This morning Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the subdivision.  We usually go to the trails on the weekends but it rained and the trails were muddy.  It rained in the afternoon so I helped Jean sew.  Helping Jean sew is kind of boring.  First she sat at her sewing machine while I slept on my quilt that is in her sewing room.  Then she took the quilt she was making to the basement and laid it on the floor to pin it.  I brought her my chicken toy so she could throw it for me.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My new friends

I have two new friends.  Their names are Abby and Shelby.  Abby is a black lab and Shelby is a chocolate lab.  They live up the  hill in the subdivision.  I have seen them before but I am not allowed to play with dogs unless Jim and Jean know their humans and know that they are nice dogs.  Today when we walked by their house they were outside and so were their humans.  Jim and Jean talked to them for a long time.  I got to get off my leash and play chase with them.  I had so much fun with my new friends.  Then Barbara (one of their humans) gave us all treats.  I like my new friends.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Cutting down trees

Men came today to cut down a couple trees.  Jim can cut down trees but these trees were too close to the house and power lines.  There were two men who cut the trees down and one man that watched them and talked to Jim and threw the stick for me.  After they left Jim cut up the logs.  This means I got to spend most of the day outside.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Feeding the Fish

Jim and Jean usually don't feed the fish in the winter.  Sometimes we don't see the fish for days or weeks.  The pond freezes and the fish hid under the rocks.  It has been warm for a few days.  The ice melted on the pond.  Jim saved some corn from dinner to feed the fish.  He fed the fish the corn and he gave me a few pieces.  I like corn too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Today Jean worked and Jim didn't feel like going outside.  We played a little tennis ball inside.  I was mostly bored.  I played with my toys.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Walking with Jean

Today Jim had a headache so we took lots of naps while Jean worked in her office.  Then when Jean was done working she took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  I got to see some of my friends.  I like visiting with my friends.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A run and a bath

Today is a holiday for some people but Jean had to work.  When she was done working Jim and Jean took me for a nice run on the trail.  The trail was pretty muddy so I had to have a bath in the sink when we got home.  When I have a bath in the sink they wash my feet, legs and belly.  Those are the parts that get muddy when I run.  Then I had dinner and took a nap.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Camping with Charlie

I had a wonderful weekend.  Jim and Jean took me camping.  Charlie came and brought Jen and John with him.  We were the only people in the tent area of the campground so Charlie and I didn't have to be tied up.  There were lots of stick to chase.  I got to sleep in the tent with Jim and Jean.  I slept on my pad in the corner but this morning I snuggled with Jean before we got up.  It was a fun, fun time.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

That poor deer

I have a lot of jobs around here.  One of them is keeping track of the deer.   I get yelled at if I chase the deer but I still need to keep track of where they are.  They usually run away from me.  This morning there was a deer in the yard.  She just stared right at me and didn't move.  I stared back and started to go toward her.  Jean told me to leave her alone then she notice the deer had a broken leg and couldn't walk very well.  That poor deer.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Another Nice Day

It was another beautiful day.  Jim and I spent some time outside working and playing tennis ball.  I love being outside with Jim.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Working Outside

Today was a great day to work outside.  I still watch the road for TJ and Pat.  They have been gone a long time and I think it is time for them to come back.  I always watch the road for them.4
Jim went out to the vineyard to trim the grapevines.  I found a stick to chew on.  Of course we played some tennis ball,

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Humans send each other eMail.  This is how they communicate.  Dogs leave pMail.  This is how we communicate.  Today we took a run in the subdivision.  I stopped at my friend Sammie's house.  She was not outside so I peed on her bushes in the front yeard.  Next time she is outside she will get my message and know I dropped by to see her.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The exercise room

We have an exercise room in the basement.  Jim and Jean work out on the Nordic Track or the Total Gym.  When they are working out I bring my ball to them and stare at them until they throw it.  That is my work out.  Yes, we are all in good shape because we work out every day.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Monday is cleaning day.  Jean works in her office and Jim cleans.  I usually take a couple toys in Jeans office and hang out.  We close the door because the vacuum is noisy.  I don't really like cleaning day but the humans think it is necessary.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A nice morning walk

This morning we went for a nice walk.  We are supposed to have sleet and freezing rain this afternoon and evening so we went out this morning.  There is a lot of ice because is has been cold here.  Jim and Jean took their time to take pictures which was good for me because I got to spend a lot of time sniffing.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Early Dinner

Jim and Jean went out to dinner tonight.  They left before my dinner time so I got dinner early.  I wish I could have dinner early every day.  I have been on a diet for a whole year and I am slim and trim and beautiful.  Sometimes I get some treats or a little table food but they are very careful to make sure I don't gain weight.  I mostly played with my toys while Jim and Jean were gone.

Friday, January 9, 2015

I am Jim's Buddy Boy

My name is Dexter.  Jim call me his Buddy Boy.  Jean calls me her Sweet Boy.  I am very happy when Jim says, "Buddy Boy it's time to go outside and work".  We spent a couple of hours outside.  We brought lots of wood to the house.  I chased the tennis ball.  When I am outside and I get thirsty I go to the pond for a drink.  It has been so cold the pond is frozen.  I had a big drink of water from my bowl when I came into the house.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Still Cold

It is still cold outside and I am on foot rest.  Yesterday Jean played tennis ball and hide and seek in the basement with me for a long time and the little tiny cut on my foot started bleeding.  It didn't hurt at all.  But now I am not allowed to run and play.  Jim and Jean think I am a baby.  I am a big boy and my foot is just fine.  I want to run and chase tennis balls.  I drop the ball in Jim's lap and he just sets it down.  Then I set the ball in Jean's lap and she just sets it down.  I do get belly rubs and lots of love.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Cold Outside

It is cold outside, very cold.  Jim and I just went outside for a little while.  When I am inside I always keep a toy nearby in case someone wants to play with me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My foot is fine

My foot is fine.  Jim and Jean didn't take me for a run because yesterday my foot was bleeding a little tiny bit.  Today it is fine.  I just watched out the window while they went down the driveway and ran up the street.  They treat me like a baby sometimes.  I can run just fine.

Monday, January 5, 2015

My Foot

I have very sensitive feet.  Today I was helping Jim take the Christmas light down outside.  I was having fun chasing the tennis ball.  When we came in Jean noticed my paw was bleeding.  She cleaned it and put a wrap on it until it quit bleeding.  I was fine.  It didn't even hurt.  Jim took the wrap off and I was back to normal.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Old Toys, New Toys

I love all my new toys.  But I still love my old toys.  Today I played with my chicken and my duck.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Tonight company came.  Jane and Bill (Jean's cousin) and Jim and Linda (Jean's brother).  I brought everyone my toys and balls.  I impressed them with my tricks.  I love having company.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Back To Work

Today was back to work for Jean.  That means she sat at her computer all day.  It was back to work for Jim and me too.  We had to bring wood from the wood pile to the house because it is going to rain tonight and tomorrow.  Jim drives his John Deere and I follow him with my tennis ball.  Jim threw the ball and I ran after it.  I hurt my foot.  Jim put me in the house.  Jean petted me and rubbed my foot.  Then I went to the window and cried because I wanted to be outside with Jim.  My foot was just fine so I went back outside to help Jim.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you.  Last night we stayed home and had a nice quiet evening.  This year TJ and Pat will be travelling all around the country while I stay here and help Jim and Jean.  That is okay because I am a working dog and there is lots of work to do around here.