Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Today I Halloween.  Jean took off work.  She and Jim left for the morning.  When they came home we worked outside.  We cleaned the leaves out of the fish pond.  We had a lot of potted plants outside that need to come in for the winter.  Jim sprayed them for bugs and  brought them inside.  Jean picked the last tomatoes and peppers from the garden.  It is supposed to get cold tonight.  I chased the tennis ball until I got tired.

Jean dressed me up in a costume.  I am supposed to be a big horn sheep.  This is a silly costume.  I wore it for 33 seconds which was just enough time to take a quick picture.

We do not get trick or treaters at our house because we live in the woods.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Golf Day

Today Jim went to play golf.  Golf day is the most boring day ever.  I just hang out on my bed and wait for Jim to come home.  Jean is here but she just sits at her computer and works.  She comes out of her office at lunch time and gives me a half a dog cookie.  Then she lets me outside and throws a ball a couple of times then I am back to waiting for Jim.  When Jim comes home I am so, so excited.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Day

This morning Jim played some tennis ball with me outside.  Then he went to the grocery store.  In the afternoon we did some work outside.  It was a nice fall day.  Then before dinner Jim and Jean took me for a run.  I am so tired tonight from all the work.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

So Tired

I helped Jim outside.  Jim used his leaf blower and I kept track of the tennis balls.  I am so tired I can't keep my tongue in my mouth.

Monday, October 27, 2014

My busy day

This morning we got up early.  Jim and I hooked up the camper and drove off.  I was a little concerned that we left Jean home working at her desk.  We took the camper to the farm for the winter.  I got to see country grandparents.  We stayed all day at the farm.  Jim helped Grandpa trim trees.  Jim found one of shadow's old tennis balls and threw it for me.  When I got hot I took a swim in the pond.  I had a fabulous day.  We drove back home where Jean was waiting for us.  I think she really missed me today.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Back to Normal

We are back home now.  We took a walk on our favorite trail.  I helped Jim winterize the camper.  I want my dinner at 4:00 because that is Kentucky time when I get hungry.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My vacation

I was on vacation last week.  I need a vacation because I work very hard around here helping Jim outside and watching over the place.  We packed up the camper and headed to Kentucky.  The Red River Gorge is wonderful.  We set up camp.  My job is to guard the camp.

Then we did some hiking.  Hiking in the gorge is different that hiking around here.  We had to cross creeks on a tree.

There were a lot of natural bridges and arches to see in Kentucky.
After a couple of days the most exciting thing happened.  We went for a nice long hike.  Then we got back to camp to relax.  Jim and Jean were sitting in their chairs outside and I was resting by the camper.  TJ and Pat drove up in their Leave No Trace car.  I was so, so, so excited to see them.  I wiggled my butt so much.  I love TJ and Pat.
The next day we went on a hike with TJ and Pat.  We had a lot of fun hiking with them.
They took videos of me because I am going to be the star of their movie about hiking with dogs.  They were trying to get me to do things I am not supposed to do for the video.  I am such a good dog that I do not want to do bad things.  Being and actor is hard.

Next we did some rock climbing.  I have to watch them and make sure everyone is okay when they are high up on the wall.   It was a difficult hike to the climbing wall.  They had to lift me up the steep part.

When it's just Jim and Jean and me I sleep in the camper on my bed on the floor.  When TJ and Pat are here I get to snuggle with them.  Sometimes they put up a tent and I sleep in the tent with them but this time they decided to sleep in the camper with Jim and Jean.  There was plenty room for all of us.  I like the family being together.
We went on more hikes.  We had so much fun.
We usually had dinner at camp but one evening we went to Miguel's pizza.  I got to have some pieces of crust.  I met a miniature Aussie there named Bitsy.
At the end of vacation TJ and Pat gave me lots of hugs and kisses and I got in the car and went home with Jim and Jean.  I had a good vacation.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Peeing in three states

You may have noticed that I have not posted my blog all week.  I have been on vacation!  It was so much fun because Pat and TJ met us in Kentucky.  This morning we got up and took a hike then we had to break camp and head home.  I peed in Kentucky on our hike.  Then I peed in Indiana when we stopped for gas.  I slept all the way across Illinois.  Then I peed in Missouri when we got home.  I like to pee wherever I go so all the other dogs in the world know I have been there.  I peed in three states today!  I will tell you more about my vacation later.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Getting Ready

We are still getting ready for something but I don't know what.  Today Jim tied the kayaks on the Envoy.  This makes be nervous because I never get to go kayaking.  I hope I get to go with them.  Jean took me for a 4 mile run.  I had my hair brushed and trimmed then I had a shower.  Now I am nice and clean and beautiful as always.

Friday, October 17, 2014

More Sunshine

Today there was more sun!.  It was wonderful.  I helped Jim outside.  We are getting the camper ready.  I hope this means we are going camping.  I love camping.  Sometimes Jim messes with the camper and we don't go anywhere and sometimes we do.  I had fun being outside with Jim.

Last night Jim and Jean went out to eat with their friends Bill and Sarah.  They brought their friends home afterwards.  Bill threw the tennis ball for me in the basement.  Then I did all my tricks and they thought I was the smartest dog ever.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Finally a sunny day.  I worked outside with Jim and I had fun, fun, fun.  I love to work outside.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

More Rain

More rain.  Are you kidding me.  Jim and I are getting behind on our outside work.  We play ball inside but it is just not the same.  I am ready for some sunshine.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Enough Already

I have had it with this rain.  No playing outside for me.  I played a little tennis ball in the basement.  Sometimes in the evening I am tired and I put myself to bed.  I really like my bed.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

More Rain

It rained more today.  We mostly played inside today.  We play ball in the basement.  Sometimes when Jean is not watching Jim and I play ball upstairs.  We are watching the Cardinals tonight.  I hope they win.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Working Outside

Today Jim and I spent the whole day working outside.  He is digging.  Sometimes people come to pick up soccer pictures.  I run to greet them.  Then I take them the tennis ball.  Then they throw the tennis ball.  Then they get their pictures.  I go back to helping Jim.  Then more people come to take pictures.  So I have to greet them and play tennis ball with them.  I am exhausted after all this work.

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Rainy Day

It has been raining the whole day.  At least there was not thunder.  Here is what we do for entertainment on a rainy day:

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Storms and Jim's new toy

Last night there were storms.  The thunder rattled the house.  I slept right next to the bed and let Jean pet me.  It rained and rained and rained a long time.

Today Jim went shopping a bought a new toy.  His new toy is a leaf blower.  I like it because we get to go outside and work.  He wears the leaf blower on his back and puts on his ear protections and looks like a space man.  I chase the tennis ball.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Walking with Sammie

Jim went to work again today.  I laid on my bed and waited for him to come home.  Jean took me outside at lunch and threw the tennis ball.  Then before dinner she took me for a walk.  My friend Sammie was out for her walk.  We walked the whole neighborhood together then we played in her yard.  I love my friend Sammie.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

More Work

You will not believe this.  Jim went to work again today.  I was home with Jean.  I just laid on my bed and sulked.  At lunch time we fed the fish and played a little tennis ball.  When Jean was done working she put on her running clothes.  Sometimes she takes me for a run and sometimes she leaves me home.  We went to the trail and had a nice run.  I was so happy to go with her.  She just likes to run non-stop.  I like to stop and sniff.  We compromise.  She lets me sniff some and I run with her.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday is house cleaning day

Monday I house cleaning day.  I don't like to clean house so I sunned myself out on the deck.  Then in the afternoon Jim and I went outside and worked in the yard.  Jean and Jim walked me in the neighborhood after dinner.  I got to play with my friend Sammy.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


This morning I was laying in the hall waiting for Jim and Jean to get up and the door opened.  Do you know who came in?  It was Charlie.  Jen dropped him off then went to work at a cross country meet.  Charlie and I played.  Then guess who came?  Country Grandma and Grandpa.  They are some of our favorite people in the whole world.  Then Jen came back and the humans had lunch.  Charlie and I had to wait on the deck while they ate.  Then Grandma and Grandpa left.  Jen threw the ball for Charlie and me.  Sometimes I let Charlie get the ball and sometimes I got it.  It was great fun.  I had a fun day with Charlie.  Jen and Charlie went home and I needed a nap.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Another Boring Day

Today Jim went to work again.  Not the kind of work I help him with in the yard.  The kind of work where he puts on good clothes and gets in the car and drives away.  Three days in a row he has done this.  Who ever heard of working three days in a row?  Besides that it rained more.  This makes for a boring day for me.  I was stuck in the house with Jean.  I played with my toys.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Stormy Weather

There were thunderstorms last night.  I like to sleep in Jim and Jean's bedroom when there are storms.  Last night I started out on the floor at the foot of the bed but them moved over by Jim's side.  I am not allowed in bed with them.  If TJ and Pat were here I would be snuggled in bed with them.  When the storms ended I went back to my bed.  Jim left to go to work again.  There were more storms this morning.  I usually stay on bed so I can keep a watch out the window when Jim is gone but I like to be near Jean when there is thunder.  I stayed close to her in her office.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two Walks

Today Jim went to work.  Then he went to take pictures.  He was gone all day and into the evening.  This left me home with Jean who was working at her computer.  This means a boring day for me.  Jean took me for a walk at lunchtime.  Jean gave me my treat at lunchtime and threw the tennis ball for me.  Then she fed me my dinner and took me for another walk after dinner.  Besides that I laid on my bed and waited for Jim to come home.