Happy Anniversary to TJ and Pat. They have been married three years. I was the most important part of the wedding. I was the best dog. That is much more important than the best man because I was responsible for the wedding rings. I carried them up the aisle to TJ and Pat.
Today I helped Jim outside. He is putting up a deer proof fence. Last year's fence was not deer proof.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
My Monday
Last night we had storms. They were very loud storms. I decided I needed to sleep in Jim and Jean's room right next to Jim's side of the bed. Sometimes I sleep in the closet when there are storms but I wanted to be close to Jim. Today Jim went to work. Jean took me for a walk through the neighborhood at lunch time. Then she threw the tennis ball. I like to get a drink from the pond when I am outside.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Helping Jim
This is a picture of me helping Jim with the wood. He picks it up and puts it in his trailer. Then he drives the trailer over to the wood pile and stacks the wood. Then he does it all over again. I watch.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Morning walk
We took a nice morning walk on the trial. Jim and Jean looked for birds and wildflowers. I sniffed at all the wonderful aromas along the trail. My friend Maddie and her humans were out for a run. It was a nice day for a walk. We always follow the rules and stay on the trail.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Back Home
Jim came back from his fishing trip today. I was so happy to see him. I wish he would have taken me with him. I helped him put the camper away and chase the tennis ball. Jim and Jean took me for a short run on the trail.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Everyone for themselves
Jim went camping and fishing with his friends. Jean and her mom went to Paducah to a big quilt show. I went to Charlie's house to be dog sat. I like going there because John plays ball with me and feeds me dinner. When Jean picked me up I tried to take Charlie's tennis ball home with me but Jean made me leave it there for Charlie.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Another run at lunch
Jean took me for a run at lunchtime again today. It's nice to get out in the middle of the day and run. Besides that it was a boring day.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
My Day
This morning Jim left with the camper and didn't take me. I have to stay home and help Jean. Jean took me for a walk at lunch time. Then Jean's mom came and they went to quilt club. I stayed at home and played with all my toys. I spread the all through the house.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Donating Hair
Jim trimmed my hair for the summer. Don't worry it's not too short and I am my beautiful self. I will just be cooler with a little less hair. Jean read where you can donate pet fur. They use it to clean up oil spills. Yes, I am going to help the environment with my fur.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Happy Easter
Today is Easter. It must be a special day because Jim gave me a waffle for breakfast. I have not have waffles since my diet started. I just love waffles. Jim and Jean took me for a long walk on one of our favorite trails. The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. I got to get a drink from the creek. Then Jim and Jean left me home alone while they went visiting. I was so happy when they came home because I wanted my dinner.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
The camper
Jim went to get the camper this week. We store it at the farm in the winter. I helped him open it up and get it ready for camping. I sure do love camping. When I camp with TJ and Pat we sleep in a tent. When I camp with Jim and Jean we sleep in the camper. I stayed very close to the camper to make sure they take me with them. I don't know when we are going camping but I am so excited.
Friday, April 18, 2014
My Day
It was a regular day. I helped Jim outside. Jean worked all day. Jean took me for a walk. I was a good boy.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
A nice day for a run
Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a 4 mile run. It was a nice day for a run. We usually run before dinner. I am so hungry when I we get home. The creeks has water and I get to have a drink. In the summer the creeks are dry and I have to drink from the river.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
My piece of sunshine
I like to find a piece of sunshine and take a nap. Jean threw the ball for me with the Chuck It ball thrower and now I am tired.
A pretty good day
Today Jim was gone most of the day. Jean took me outside at lunch and threw the ball until I got tired. Then before dinner she threw the ball again. After dinner we took a nice long walk on the trail. We went to one of the new trails and they made it longer. It was a nice day.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Another rainy day
If April shower bring May flowers then we are going to have a very flowery May. This morning there was thunder, then it rained and we even had a few snowflakes this evening. I spent the day inside with Jean while Jim was at work.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
My Sunday
This morning there was thunder. I went back to Jim and Jean's room. It was time for them to get up anyway. Jean went for a run but did not bring me because she thought the trail would be too messy. You can see by this picture that my diet is going well and I am looking thin and trim.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Some work, a walk and a swim
This morning I helped Jim outside. We have worked outside every day this week. Then Jim and Jean took me for a nice long hike at Castlewood State Park. There were a lot of people a dogs there and everyone thought I was beautiful. I was very tired and thirsty. Jim let me get a drink in the creek. Then he threw a stick and I took a swim.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Happy Birthday to TJ
Today is TJ's birthday. I miss TJ and wish I was with her. When I was one I was with TJ and Pat in Illinois to celebrate TJ's birthday. When I was two we were also in Illinois. When I was three we celebrated TJ's birthday in Idaho. Last year when I was 4 I was living with Jim and Jean but they took me camping and TJ and Pat met us at the campground. This year I am 5 and I don't get to celebrate with TJ.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Another Wonderful Day
Today I spent all day working outside with Jim. Jim is getting ready to put a deer proof fence around the vineyard. Last year's deer proof fence did not work at all. I chased the tennis ball and when I got thirst I went had had a big cool drink from the pond.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
All day outside
Today I was outside all day with Jim. He was planting some grass seed and working on the dirt. I played lots of tennis ball. I was so tired I took a nap on the driveway while Jim was working. Jim and Jean went for a run before dinner but I was too tired to go. I worked hard today.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Helping Jim
Today I helped Jim with the windows in the screen porch. Then we went outside and took care of a little tree that the wind blew over. Jim and Jean took me for a walk. I saw my friends in the neighborhood. I helped Jim take the recycle bin out. I stand up by the house and watch him take it down the hill. I don't go down the hill unless my ball is down there or I am going for a walk.
Monday, April 7, 2014
My amazing bladder
Jean thinks my bladder is amazing. I can hold my urine a long time. They always let me out in the morning. Today Jim went to work so Jean let me out at lunchtime. It was raining and I just stood in the dry garage and stared at her. There was no way I was going out there in the rain. My bladder can hold it. Then late in the afternoon it stopped raining so Jean took me for a run. I am able to pee on everything I want to leave my scent on. I can pee 20 times in a half hour run. I am amazing.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Sunday walk
Today Jim went to work. He usually does not work on Sunday but today was different. Jean does not work on Sunday so instead of spending the day at her computer she took me for a nice long walk on the trial. When we got there one of the trails was closed because the river was flooded.
We went on a different trail that was high and dry. The creeks that are usually dry have water in them now so I got to get a drink from the creek. It was a nice sunny day for a long walk.
We went on a different trail that was high and dry. The creeks that are usually dry have water in them now so I got to get a drink from the creek. It was a nice sunny day for a long walk.
When we got home Jean brushed my fur then we played some tennis ball.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Last night I slept in Jim and Jean's big walk-in closet. I feel safe in there because it is and interior room. Jim put a run in there for me to sleep on. There were storms all night. I was happy the storms ended this morning. Jim went to work today. It is not his regular day to work. I missed him. Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Stormy Weather
Last night there was lots of thunder. I spent most of the night in Jim and Jean's bedroom. They let me sleep in there when it is storming because they know it scares me. Today it stormed most of the day. At lunchtime Jean did something silly. She put on her running clothes and shoes and went for a run. It wasn't raining when she left but by the time she came home she was soaked. I stayed home in the warm, dry house. When it is storming I stay very close to Jim and Jean. I stayed near Jean in her office while she was working. This evening I stayed right next to the couch where Jim was sitting.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
The sky is falling
There was loud thunder last night. Everyone knows that thunder is very scary, especially for a dog with super keen hearing. It thunders so loud the sky might fall. When it thunders at night I tiptoe into Jim and Jean's room and sleep. I like being close to my humans. When it quits thundering I go back to my bed in the kitchen. It rained a lot today. It quit raining long enough for Jean to take me for a walk around the neighborhood.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
New Windows
Today I helped Jim put new windows in the screen porch. Now we can sit out there when it rains and not have to worry about the rain coming in. It rained today so Jean did not take me for a walk.
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