Jim goes to work on Monday. That makes it a boring day for me. Jean was going to take me for a run at lunch but it was raining. We did take a run before dinner. I got to play with my friend Sammy. We play chase around her yard. She is a fast runner. When we got back home Jean threw the ball a couple of times. When I get tired I like to lay in the shade and rest.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
A new trail
Today we took a long hike on a new trail. We went to the Howell Island Conservation Area. It was a beautiful day to hike. Howell Island is between the Missouri River and Centaur Chute. I got to walk to off the leash most of the day. When we got to Missouri River I wanted to run down the hill and have a drink but Jim told me no because it was too steep. I was happy to get back to the Chute where I could have a nice long drink. I would have liked to take a swim but Jim did not let me.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
My mail
Today I got mail just for me. It was a birthday card from TJ and Pat. I sniffed it to see if it smelled like them. I think all the smell came off in the mail. They mailed it from California. It said that they love me and they miss me.
Friday, March 28, 2014
The flowers are blooming. This makes Jean and Jim happy. If my humans are happy then I am happy. Today at lunchtime Jean took me outside and threw the ball with my Chuck It. Jean can throw much farther with the Chuck It. Then Jim and Jean took me for a nice walk in the neighborhood.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The shredding machine
Jim has a big red shredding machine. He puts sticks and leaves into it and it shreds them into little bits. I usually watch him from a distance because the machine is very loud. Jim wears ear plugs but I don't have ear plugs and I would not like them anyway. I will bring him my ball while he is working because he need to keep his throwing arm in shape for softball season. I brought him my tennis ball and dropped it in the pile of leaves right next to him. He scooped up my ball with a pile a leaves and it ended up in the big red shredding machine. Next thing I knew the machine was making a funny noise and my ball was in little bits all over the place. I could smell my ball but I couldn't find it to pick it up. It was a very old ball and I had played with it so it had just the right smell. I have lots of balls so I just went and found another one.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Today is a special day
Happy Birthday to me! I am five years old today. Jim and Jean took me for a run at lunchtime then I helped Jim outside. The humans get cake for their birthday. I don't get a cake but I do get extra treats and lots of hugs.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
My Toy Box
I have a toy box in the house for my toys. It's really a toy bowl. When Charlie comes Jean puts my toys up high because Charlie chews them into little bits. Charlie was here two week ago and they forgot to get my toy box out until today. I was so happy to see my toys.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Helping Jean Quilt
Jean likes to make quilts. She will take fabric and cut it into pieces. Then she will sit at her sewing machine and sew the pieces back together. Then comes the part I like. She lays it on the floor in the basement and smooths it out and puts the layers together. I like to go in the basement and help her.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
I am a working dog
I am a working dog. I am really supposed the herd sheep but since I have no sheep I do whatever work Jim and Jean need me to do. Today I was outside all day helping Jim make mulch out of branches and sticks. I kept track of the tennis balls. I love my new orange ball.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
A new trail
Jean and I took a walk. We decided to try a new trail. It took us up a bluff where we could see for miles. It was a nice day for a hike.
My Company Left
Mike and Amanda came to visit me this week. I like Mike and Amanda because they played ball with me. Mike is really strong from rock climbing which means he can throw the ball a long, long way. I love playing ball with Mike. Amanda likes to throw the ball for me too. They bought me a present. It is a new orange ball with a ball thrower which flings the ball really far. This comes in handy for Jean who doesn't have a strong throwing arm. They left today to go to work. I hope they come back to visit me again sometime. I like company.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Always working
I am always working. After breakfast I helped Amanda outside. She was packing and organizing. I was bringing her the tennis ball. Then I helped Jim outside. He raked leave and I chased the tennis ball.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Mike and Amanda
My new friends are here. Their names are Mike and Amanda. They are friends with TJ and Pat. They drive around the country to work like TJ and Pat but they drive a Jeep. Mike is very good at throwing the tennis ball. Today when Jean was working and Jim was playing golf Mike and Amanda played with me. I hope they stay a long time.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
TJ and Pat send me post cards all the time. Today we got a post card from Jen and John. They are on a big adventure in the Grand Canyon. Charlie is on vacation at the farm.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Today is a green holiday. Jim and Jean's friend Kathy came over for dinner. Kathy has a lot of dogs but she didn't bring any of them with her. I like Kathy because she really likes dogs.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
I am skinny enough
I think I am skinny enough. I have been on a diet forever. I don't remember what vanilla wafers or cheese puffs taste like. I have lost 5 pounds. I think that is enough - but no - I still have to be on a diet until I am even skinnier. Jim did give me some waffles this morning because it is Sunday, but now back to the diet.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Jim and Jean got up early and left me home alone. They came back in time for lunch. I don't get lunch anyway. Jean took me for a five mile run. It was a nice day so there were lots of people and dogs on the trail. When we got home we all worked on piling wood. They threw the tennis ball for me too. It was a good Saturday.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Forgetting my leash
Jean took me to the trail for a nice walk. She forgot my leash. They keep a leash in the Vibe but Jim had the Vibe and Jean drove the Envoy. It was not a problem because she found a rope in the back of the Envoy to use. We had a nice walk.
Overnight with Charlie
Charlie spent the night. When Charlie is here Jim and Jean put the gate up so we have to stay in the kitchen at night. I don't like that because when I hear the alarm go off in the morning I like to go and great Jim and Jean. Now I have to wait until someone comes to take the gate down.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Outside all day
Today I was outside all day with Jim. Jean's brother Jim came to help split wood so I was outside with two Jim's. I played a lot of tennis ball. John brought Charlie by in the afternoon. Jen and John are going on a big adventure. Charlie doesn't get to go on big adventure with them. We are tired after playing outside all day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Helping Jim
This morning I helped Jim take a portrait. Then I waited for Jim to get home from the store. Next I helped Jim outside. I like being outside because I can watch everything that's going on.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
No raccoons for me
Tonight when Jim let me outside to go potty before bedtime there was a little raccoon at the bird feeder. I didn't think that it should be there because that bird food is for the birds. Jean really like watching the birds. I wanted to chase it away but Jim told me I wasn't allowed to chase raccoons. That's okay because it ran away on its own.
Monday, March 10, 2014
A wood cutting party
This morning Jim had a wood splitting party. He bought a new wood splitter. First Bob came. He brought his little dog Chip. Chip likes to bark for no reason. John came but he left Charlie at home because he had to run some errands on the way home. Charlie doesn't like running errands. Jean's brother Jim came too. I like Jim because he likes to throw the tennis ball for me. It was a good day working outside with the men.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
A walk, a bath and a haircut
Today was a nice sunny day. We took a long walk on the Rock Hollow Trail. We saw a lot of people and dogs. I had to have a bath because Jim said I smelled like a dog. Duh! I am a dog. What am I supposed to smell like? I had a bath so nice I smell like shampoo. Then Jim trimmed the hair on my butt, legs and tummy. Jean gave me a good brushing. I am stunning!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
My friend Sammy
Today Jim and Jean got up early and went for a race. I like it when they get up early because I get my breakfast early. They must have run fast because they weren't gone very long. After lunch they took me for a walk in the neighborhood. I saw my friend Sammy. We got to run around Sammy's yard. I just love playing with my friend Sammy.
Working with wood
Yesterday Jim and I were outside working with wood. Jim works with the chain saw. I find a stick to fetch and chew on. It was a wonderful day.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Fixing the Car
Today I helped Jim outside. We fixed TJ and Pat's car. TJ and Pat are in Arizona in their Leave No Trace car. Their Volkswagen is here. Jim is trying to sell it for them but the heater broke. Whatever Jim did fixed it so now he can sell it. I helped.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Just another day
Today I helped Jim outside for a while. Jean took me for a walk. I had dinner. Jean gave me some green beans which is a special treat for me now that I am on a diet.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Running with Jean
Jean took me for another run today. When we get inside she wipes my feet so I don't leave footprints all over the clean floors. I saw my friend Sammy when we were on our run. When we were running I saw an odd little creature. Jean saw me staring and looked over. She told me it was an opossum. I am good at spotting critter.
Monday, March 3, 2014
A cold day
This morning we got up early. I went outside with Jim while he shoveled the driveway. It was cold but I didn't mind. Jim went to work which means I was home with Jean all day. She just types on her computer all day. She does feed me dinner because Jim gets home from work after my dinner time. I also got some green beans for dinner.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
More Snow
We had lots of sleet last night. We spent two hours shoveling snow and chasing the tennis ball. I just love the snow. Jean and I went for a run in the neighborhood. After that I was tired. I like to take a nap at the top of the stairs.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Hiking with my new friends
Today we went for a hike. On the hike were Jim, Jean, Jen, John, Joe (John's brother), Erika (Joe's wife), Jack and Lilly (their kids). Plus there were Champ and Mack my new friends. Champ is very old and mostly blind. He is a nice old dog. Mack is only one. He is a big poodle. Charlie had to stay home because they thought he would get too excited with so many dogs. After the hike we all came back to our house for pizza. Jack and Lilly threw the ball for me in the basement. We had so much fun.
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