Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year's Eve

Today is New Year's Eve.  TJ and Pat took me for a nice long run in the park.
They went to a party.

Jim and Jean are staying home to party with me.  This involves wearing stupid hats.  I hope there there are not fireworks at midnight.

Monday, December 30, 2013


Today Jim, Jean and TJ took me for a nice long hike.  Pat went to the movies with his brother Dan.  I used to have a lot of brothers but I don't know where any of them are now.  I never went to the movies with my brothers.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Home Alone

Today all the humans left.  That is okay with me because I have a lot of toys I can play with.  I got all my toys out and spread them around the house, then I took a nap.  I was very happy when the humans came home to feed me dinner.

Christmas at the farm

We went to the farm for another Christmas.  When I got there I looked for my brother Rusty.  He is not there any more.  I was all by myself outside.  I was lonely.

After a while they let me come inside and stay on the rug just inside the door.  There were a lot of little humans there to pet me.  I like little humans.  

Friday, December 27, 2013

My new favorite toy

I love my new favorite toy.  It is a duck.  I think I killed it because it doesn't squeak any more.  I still love to carrying it around by the head and play with it.


Today Jim and Jean took me for a nice long hike at Castlewood State Park.  We walked the trails up the bluff.  Then we reached the field where Jim threw a stick until I got tired.  Then I got to get a drink in the creek.  TJ and Pat had to go get their car fixed so they couldn't hike with us.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Playing with my new toys

The day after Christmas is a good day to play with my new toys.  I got two squeaky balls,  My favorite gift was a duck from TJ and Pat.  It squeaks.  It is so much fun to play with.  When they throw it, it will fly through the air and I catch it and squeak it.  I just love my duck.  When I am tired I take a nap with it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas.  Jen and John and Charlie spent the night here.  We all got up an opened presents.  I was a very good boy so I got a lot of presents.  Everyone left in the afternoon but that was okay because I needed a nap.  I got a new duck toy that I love to play with.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Christmas Eve

Today I ran with Jim and Jean.  Pat took me for a walk.  I played tennis ball in the basement.  It was a pretty good day but I'm still on a diet.

Monday, December 23, 2013


I usually sleep by myself on my pillow in the kitchen.  When TJ and Pat are here I get to snuggle with them in their bed.  I just love snuggling.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A bath in the sink

It has been raining her a lot.  We still go out for a walk or a run.  This means I get dirty.  When I get home sometimes I have to  have a shower but today they just gave me a bath in the sink.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rainy Day

Today it was raining when I got up.  It rained the whole day.  This means I did not get to spend much time outside.  My exercise was chasing the tennis ball in the basement.  I just hung out around the house all day.  TJ and Pat left to go visiting so I was here with Jean and Jim.  I am used to being here with Jean and Jim so I am happy.  I am not happy about being on a diet.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Diet and exercise

The vet thinks I'm overweight.  My humans must think so too because I am on a strict diet of no table food.  They are serious about this diet stuff.   Boring dog food only.  They sit and eat potato chips and don't share with me.  Today TJ and Pat took me for a six mile run then Pat took me for a walk later in the day.  I am going to be skinny before you know it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Vet

Today TJ and Pat took me to the vet.  I have something called a cyst on my back.  It's been there a long time.  It's nothing to worry about.  The thing to worry about is the vet thinks I am fat.  Imagine that!  I can't have many treats or vanilla wafers or cheese puffs or cookies.  I do not want to be on a diet.  I was so tired from going to the vet.  I needed a nap in the car.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Today TJ and Pat cut my nails.  I don't really enjoy this but it is necessary if I want to be an
inside dog.  I definitely want to be and inside dog.  I helped Jim outside then I went for a run with Jean and TJ.  I had to get washed off in the laundry room sink after the run because I was a bit dirty.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Back to Work

Today TJ and Pat went shopping and visiting.  I am sure they bought me a wonderful Christmas present because I have been a very, very good boy.  I stayed home.  Jim needed my help bringing up wood and working outside.  Then in the evening we took a walk in the neighborhood and looked at pretty lights.  I am tired.  It was a busy day.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lots of hugs

I am so glad that TJ and Pat are here because I get lots of hugs.  I would hug back but my legs don't bend in the right directions.  I hug with my chin.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fun with TJ and Pat

I am so happy TJ and Pat are here.  They play with me all day.  I get lots of hugs and love.  Jim and Jean left but I got to stay here with TJ and Pat.  We had more snow and we got to play in the snow.  I had so much fun.

Friday, December 13, 2013

New Rules

I am not allowed on the furniture.  I am not allowed on the bed.  I am a very good boy and I always behave.  There are different rules when TJ and Pat are here.  I am allowed to sleep on the bed with them.  They put a sheet on the bed and I can hang out with them.  It is just great.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Today started out like any other day.  I got up, I went outside, I helped Jim bring in wood, I had breakfast, I helped Jean in her office.  Then the most exciting thing happened.  Guess who came to see me?  TJ and Pat.  They just walked right in the door and they hugged me and kissed me.  It was the best day ever.  Do you know where I am going to sleep tonight?  In bed with TJ and Pat.  I just love to snuggle with them.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Busy Day

Jean's mom spent the night last night.  They went to quilt club while Jim and I stayed home.  This morning Jean's mom left.  I like it when she comes because she tells me I am beautiful.

I went to the old house with Jim to shovel the snow off the driveway.  I remember when Jim and Jean used to live at the old house.  Jasmine lived there too.

Jim and Jean took me for a run at the trail before dinner.  The trail is still packed with snow.  It was a wonderful run.

After dinner I had to have a bath.  I haven't had a bath in a long time.  I love to swim in the river in the summer but I don't much care for a shower.  Of course I am a good boy and I tolerate the shower.  Now I am clean and fluffy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Jim likes to eat cookies.  I like to eat cookies too.  Sometimes I get special cookies just for dogs.  Sometimes Jim gives me a little taste of his cookies.  I like all cookies.  I give Jim my cutest face so he will share.  Jean went to quilt club and brought Jim back a whole bag of cookies.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Last night Jim and Jean went to dinner with Jean's parents.  They brought home a special treat for me - real bones.  I had one last night and one this afternoon.  They were so so good.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

More snow

It snowed another inch last night.  I got to play outside while Jim cleared the driveway.  I love playing in the snow.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A snowy day

This morning Jim and I went outside and Jim  finally cleared the driveway.  Jean threw the tennis ball.  I just love playing in the snow.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow at last

I have waited a long time to play in the snow.  It finally snowed.  I got to help Jim outside in the morning.  He tried to clear the driveway with his mower and blade but there was too much ice underneath.  I got to chase the tennis ball in the snow.

After dinner Jean made cookies.  I did not leave her side because I love cookies.  But she did not give me a cookie!  She said they were people cookies.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

An inside day

Today we waited inside all day for the snow to come.  There was a little sleet in the  morning but nothing else.  Jim and Jean took me for a run at lunchtime.  Mostly I helped Jim is in his office which is not nearly as exciting as helping Jim outside.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Outside all day

Today was the perfect day.  I was outside all day helping Jim.  First we brought wood up to the house.  Then we put the snow blade on the mower.  We are ready for the snow.  I just love the snow.  It reminds me of Idaho.  I used to play in the snow with TJ and Pat.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I like whipped cream

Jim likes pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  When he puts whipped cream on his pie he will put a little on his finger and I get to lick it off.  It is so good.  I am lactose intolerant but a little whipped cream does not bother me.  I love it.


Jim was gone for two days.  He finally came back last night.  Then he put on his work closed and left this morning.  Jean takes me for walks and throws the tennis ball but I like Jim to be here.  Jim takes me outside to work.  I am bored.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My ray of sunshine

Sometimes the sun shines in the window and leaves a nice warm ray of sunshine on the floor.  In the winter this is my favorite place to lay.  Sometimes it is in the kitchen and sometimes it is in the great room.   I have to move around to find my ray of sunshine.