Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Today is a holiday called Halloween.  Jean decorated with pumpkins.  We don't have any trick or treaters come to our house so it's pretty much like any other day.  Jim bought candy just in came someone showed up but he just likes to eat it himself.  I don't get candy but sometimes I get a treat.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Running with Jim and Jean

Today Jean took a break at lunch and Jim and Jean took me for a run through the subdivision.  It was a nice warm day.

Sometimes I help Jim with pictures in the basement.  He puts pictures together and I bring him my ball.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rainy Day

This morning Jim and I went outside to work.  We worked all morning then the rain came so we had to spend the rest of the day inside.  I mostly hang out in the hall so I can see Jean's office and keep track of Jim.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to normal

Our company left yesterday.  Today we were back to normal.  Jean spent the day working at her desk.  Jim took me outside to work with him.  We watched the Cardinal baseball game and it did not make Jim happy.  I mostly slept through it because I was tired from being outside all day.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Mary and Gayle came to see me all the way from Idaho.  They like to pet me and throw my toys for me.  I like them so much.  We eat good food like bacon and eggs when they are here.  Today they left with their suitcases so I don't think I am going to see them for a long time.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Another day another walk

Today Jim and Jean and Mary and Gayle took me for another walk to Castlewood.  I got to chase a stick in the field.  Then they left I had to stay home alone.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Birthday to Jean

Today was Jean's birthday.  We started the day with a walk.  TJ and Pat sent a box with presents for Jean.  Guess what?  There was a present in the box for me!  It's not even my birthday but I am special so they sent me a gift.  It is a squeaky ice cream cone.  I just love squeaky toys.
On our walk we went to the river and Gayle threw a stick for me.  I had so much fun.

The humans left for the afternoon then lots of people came to sing happy birthday to Jean.  Charlie even came.  Then we watched the Cardinals win.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Guess who  came?  Mary and Gayle came all the way from Idaho.  We used to visit them when we lived in Idaho.  Gayle is so good at throwing the ball.  Jim and Linda and Jean's parents also came.  We all watched the world series which did not go so well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Home Alone

When I lived with TJ and Pat they were at school or work a lot and I was home alone.  Jim and Jean don't leave me alone as much because Jean works from home.  This week has been different.  They have been leaving to do fun stuff.  Today Jean got up early and took me for a run.  Then we played some tennis ball.  They were around all morning but left me after I had my noon biscuit.  Jean came home and fed me dinner then left again.  I don't really mind being home alone but I am happy when they come back.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Late Dinner

Today Jean took me for a morning walk then threw the Frisbee until I got tired.  I laid down in the grass with my Frisbee while Jean went to clean the leaves out of the pond.  I dropped my Frisbee in the pond so Jean would throw it again.  My Frisbee floats!  Jim and Jean left and did not get back until after my dinner time.  I was hungry.  I had my dinner and Jean played tennis ball with me.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The old house

Jim and Jean have two houses.  There is the new house on Sheffield Forest.  This is where we live.  Then there is the old house on Hollyleaf.  They used to live there.  They are trying to sell the old house.  Sometimes they go there to check on it.  I don't usually go but today we went there on our way to hike.  I remembered the house right away.  I ran right up to the door.  It is the house where TJ and Pat brought me when they adopted me.  I had my first bath there.  I ripped my way through the screen window in the sun porch so I could be in the back yard with Jasmine.  I jumped the fence in the back yard because I didn't like fireworks.  I have such fond memories of that house.

After stopping by the old house we sent for a long run in Castlewood.  It was a beautiful day.  There were lots of people and dogs in the park.  I walked by 20 dogs as happy as could be.  Then I saw a doberman pincher heading toward me.  I stopped and did not want to walk past it.  I usually like other dogs but sometimes I am scared.  I especially do not like dogs that wear plaid coats.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A big bang

This morning started out with a big bang.  Jim jumped out of bed to see what it was.  His beer which was in the basement exploded.  This meant that I had my breakfast early.  I didn't help him clean up because it was his mess.

Jim does exercises for his back.  I like to help him exercise.
We spent most of the afternoon outside working.  We played some tennis ball.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Pantry

I know where my treats are kept.  They are in a green box on the floor on the right side of the pantry.  Sometimes I stand by the pantry and stare and Jim and Jean hoping that they give me a treat.
Today Jim and Jean took me for a five mile run.  The weather is nice and cool so I get to run with them.  After my run I am hungry and want a treat from the pantry.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Pack

I am a pack animal.  Jim and Jean are my pack.  We take care of each other and love each other in our pack.  TJ and Pat are part of my pack too but I have not seen them for a long, long, long time.  I love it when my whole pack is together.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm not just any dog

I am not just any dog.  I am remarkable.  I know stuff.  I know what my humans are going to do by what clothes and shoe they wear.  I know when Jim is going to work.  I know when Jean is going for a run.  Today Jean went for a run and brought me along.  We went to our favorite trail.  It was nice and cool and I enjoyed the run.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Hiking at Castlewood

Today Jim and Jean took me to Castlewood for a hike.  We hiked up the bluffs then down to the river.  When we got to the big field Jim found a stick and threw it for me.  I had so much fun fetching the stick.  He even let be bring the stick home because it was such a good stick.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Waffles for Dinner

Most Sundays we have waffles for breakfast.  Today Jim and Jean got up very early.  It was still dark.  They had a quick breakfast then went for a race.  But the best thing happened - we had waffles for dinner.   Yum!

Playing Frisbee

Today Jean got out the Frisbee.  There is only one thing I like better than playing tennis ball and that is playing Frisbee.  Jean threw the Frisbee a couple times then I brought it to Jim because he is much better at throwing.  If Jim is not around then Jean will do but Jim is so much better at throwing.  I love my Frisbee.  I have had it since I was a puppy.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My red toy

I like playing with my red toy because it squeaks.  It is my favorite.  I have a lot of toys that used to squeak but the red one still does.

Friday, October 11, 2013

More of the Same

More work, more play, more tennis ball. more walks, more Cardinals baseball.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Go Cardinals

We are Cardinals fans in this house.  We watch the games.  Jim and Jean cheer when they like what the Cardinals do.  I am happy when Jim and Jean are happy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Fountain

There is a fountain in the lake that is across the street from our mailbox.  The fountains was broken for a long time.  They finally fixed the fountain.  Jean and Jim like it because it is very pretty.  They like the sound of water.

Today I helped Jim outside all day then I took Jean for a nice walk.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Helping Jim Outside

Today Jim got out the John Deere.  This means we spent the whole day outside working.  It was a beautiful day to be outside all day.  Jim threw the ball for me then I supervised from the shade.  I always like to keep a ball close by.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Watching TV in the afternoon

Usually Jim and I are busy working outside in the afternoon.  TV is for the evening.  Today we watched TV in the afternoon because it was a special day.  The Cardinals were playing.  They won!  After dinner Jean took me for a nice walk and I got to play with my friend Sammy.  We ran and ran and ran around her yard.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday without waffles

This morning Jim had photography again.  This means no waffles.  I just got my regular breakfast of dog food.  Jean took me for a nice walk.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Early breakfast

Today Jim had to take pictures.  He got up very early.  This means I got up early and had and early breakfast.  Then he left and I went and slept in Jim and Jean's bedroom until Jean got up.  I help Jean sew today.  I got hungry for my dinner early because my breakfast was early.  Jean gave me a cookie and told me to wait for dinner time.  I was happy for dinner time.

Friday, October 4, 2013

My evening walk

Every evening Jean likes to take me for a walk.  Sometimes we go to the trail and sometimes we walk up the hill to the neighborhood.  Tonight we walked to the neighborhood.  There are three lakes on the way to the neighborhood.  At the first lake we saw a silly goose.  It was making lots of noise.  I did not pay attention to it because I was sniffing the bushes.
Next we say about 8 deer by the next lake.  We saw 5 more deer in the neighborhood.  We have lots of deer where we live.
We finally got to the neighborhood.  My friend Sammy was not outside.  I always whine when Sammy is not outside because I usually get to play with her.

My friend Maddie was out.  I have told you about Maddie before.  She is just a puppy but she is really big.  She loves me and always kisses me.  Sometimes she kisses Jean too.  She lives with a little girl named Grace.  Grace like to pet me.  She is very good at petting dogs because she lives with Maddie.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Helping Jean Quilt

Jean likes to make quilts.  She takes perfectly good fabric and cuts it into pieces then she sews it back together.  Sometimes she lays it out on the floor and pins it.  I help her.  When she is done with the quilt sometimes she gives them away to sick children or wounded soldiers or people who really need quilts.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Helping Jim

Today helped Jim outside.  Then I helped him do is back exercises.  He lays on the floor and does exercises.  I bring him my ball.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk after dinner.  I played with my friend Sammy.  I also saw my friend Maddie.  She loves me.  She likes to kiss me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The UPS man

The UPS man visits our house quite often.  He drives a big brown truck and brings boxes.  Today he brought a big box that smelled like TJ and Pat.  When he comes I like to go outside and greet him.  I brought him my tennis ball and he threw it three times.  He is really good at throwing the ball.  I like the UPS man.