Friday, May 31, 2013

A stormy night

At bedtime usually Jim lets me outside then I go straight to my bed in the kitchen.  Last night it was thundering at bedtime.  Instead of heading to the kitchen I went back and found Jean in her office.  Then I followed her to the bathroom and watched her brush her teeth.  Next I went and hid in Jim and Jean's closet.  This is a big closet.  There would be plenty room for my bed there.  They went to bed and let me stay in the closet.  I gradually inched myself toward their bed so I could be closer to them.  In the middle of the night after the storm passed I went to my bed in the kitchen.  It is nice and soft and comfy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I am a working dog

I am a working dog.  The work I do around here is helping Jim outside.  In the summer Jim doesn't go to work on Thursday so we have more time to work outside.  I am supposed to be a herding dog but there isn't anything to herd around here.  One time when we were at the farm I helped herd the cows back to the pasture when they got out of the fence.  There was more lightning tonight which meant I had to stay close to my humans.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Friends on the Trail

Today was boring.  Jean was at her desk all day.  Jim was putting new faucets in the bathroom sinks so he was inside.  But we did have pork steaks for dinner.  Then we went for a walk on the trail.  We saw my friend Buddy.   Buddy is a very good running coach.  He helps Kathy get ready to run races.  He has even run races with Kathy.  He is a very nice dog.  I was happy to see him.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More Rain

We have had thunder three days in and row.  I am tired of it.  I do not like thunder at all.  I stay very close to my humans when it is storming.

The only good thing about the rain is that the vineyard will grow.  When the vineyard grows we will have grapes.  When we have grapes then Jim will make wine.  When Jim makes wine then they will have friends over to drink the wine.  When the friends come over they will tell me I am beautiful and throw the tennis ball for me.  I can't wait for the grapes to grow.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Today is a holiday which means Jim and Jean slept in and I had my breakfast late.  After breakfast we decided to go take a walk on the trail.  I was ready but I always have to wait for Jim and Jean to put on their shoes.

I ride in the back of the car.

On the trail we saw some of my friends from the neighborhood   Shadow, Mia and Izzy are nice dogs.

It was a nice day and we took a nice long walk.

Some parts of the trail were muddy so when we got home Jim hosed me off.  I did not want a bath at all.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Waffles for breakfast, pork steaks for dinner

Today was a wonderful day.  We started with waffles for breakfast.  We did some work then Jim and Jean did some shopping.  We had company for dinner and pork steaks.  I just love pork steaks.  I also love company because there are more people to tell me I am beautiful and to throw the tennis ball. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A day outside

Today we all worked outside.  Jim planted some poles in the vineyard.  Jean planted some flowers.  Then they planted a garden.  Jim dug a hole.  Then Jean put a tomato or pepper plant in the hole.  I would drop my tennis ball in the hole so someone would throw the ball.  It was a fun game.  I like being outside with Jim and Jean.  It started to rain and by the time we were done with our work we were all wet.  When I am wet they dry me off with a towel and wash my feet.  They just put on dry clothes.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Busy Day

Today Jean took the a vacation day from work.  This means that everyone slept in and my breakfast was late.  We all went outside and worked in the yard.  We came in and I was ready to take a little nap in the foyer.  Jim and Jean put on their running clothes and needed me to help coach them on their run.  I did not get my nap, instead I went for a 5 mile run on the trail.  Then in the afternoon we worked outside again.  We cleaned the pond and fed the fish.  I really need a nap now.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

House Rules

We have rules in the house which I am very good about.  I know I am not allowed on the furniture and I never jump on the couch.  On Sunday when we were at Charlie's house, Jen and Jim were looking for me.  They didn't know where I was.  They found me resting on the couch.  I am allowed on Charlie's couch even though Charlie isn't.  But I never get up on Jim and Jean's couch.  When Tiffany comes she gets to sit on the couch because she is very small.

I am not allowed to play tennis ball upstairs.  I can play in the basement or outside.  When new people come to the house I try to get them to throw the tennis ball for me upstairs because they don't know the rules.  Jim and Jean usually ruin it by telling everyone there is no throwing upstairs.  I still will carry a tennis ball around because I like it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Springtime is a wonderful time because I get to work outside with Jim most days.  Today we cut the grass.  Actually Jim cut the grass while I laid in the shade and chewed on a stick. 

One thing I don't like about spring is storms.  Tuesday night we had bad storms.  I stay real close to Jean when it storms.  It was thundering when it was time for me to go to bed.  Jean moved my bed to the hall right outside their bedroom.  This made me feel better because my usual place in the kitchen is on the other side of the house.  I laid there until a big thunderclap then I got up and tiptoed into the bedroom and laid down on the floor as close to Jean as I could get.  She let me sleep there.  She even reached down and petted me and told me it was alright.  After the storm I got up and went to finish the night on my bed.  Everyone knows that storms are scary.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Same old day

I helped Jim outside for a while.  I helped Jean clean out the pond.  I took a nap.  I played some tennis ball.  Just a regulary day.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Some work and some play

Today I helped Jim plant an orchard.  We planted apple, peach, plum and cherry trees.  With all the grapes we will have lots of fruits someday.  I think that we should get some chickens or a cow because I would much rather eat meat than fruits.  Jean says no to the farm animals.

Tonight I went to watch Jim play softball.  There was some thunder but I was very good during the game.  The best part of the game was at the end when Jim got a hot dog and shared it with me.  I like going to softball games.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Going Visiting

Today we went to visit Charlie.  Jen was there too but John is on his way to West Virginia.  Jim helped Jen with a broken ceiling fan.  Jean went for a long run.  It was way to hot for Charlie and I to go for a long run.  It was really to hot for Jean to go for a long run but she went anyway.  Jen threw a tennis ball in the back yard for us.  On the way home we stopped at a store.  It was too hot to stay in the car so Jim walked me around the parking lot while Jean went into REI.

Saturday alone time

On Saturday Jim and Jean took me for a nice walk in the morning.  After lunch they got all dressed up to go to a wedding.  They were gone a long, long, long, long time.  Their friend, Kathy, came over to feed me my dinner.  Kathy is very good at throwing the tennis ball.  She threw the tennis ball for me a long time.  I had a fun time with Kathy.  I was happy to see Jim and Jean when they got home.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Jim went to work today which meant I was stuck inside with Jean.  Jean did throw the tennis ball and frisbee for me.  I was so happy when Jim came home from work.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today Jim went to play golf all day which meant I was stuck inside with Jean.  All she does is sit at her desk and work all day.  She went for a run in the evening but it was too hot for me to go.  She did play some tennis ball with me.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Friends

I have a new friend I met today.  Her name is Maisey and she is just a little puppy.  She is going to grow up to be a yellow lab but right now she is just a little pup.  Jean thinks she is the cutest thing she's ever seen.  I think I am the cutest thing she has ever seen.  I like Maisey.  We went for a walk this evening.  I saw my friend Maddie who is also a puppy.  She is going to grow up to be a great dane.  She have very long legs.  I got to play with my friend Sammy.  It was too hot to run much so we played a little then laid in the shade.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Saying goodbye

This morning TJ and Pat packed all their stuff and tied their bikes and boats on their car and left.  They gave me lots of hugs and kisses.  I have a feeling they will be gone for a long time.  I was sad for about ten minutes then Jim took me outside to work in the yard.  It was kind of hot so I didn't chase the ball too much.  I love working outside with Jim.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Tennis Balls

I love tennis balls.  So does city grandpa.  He uses lots of tennis balls and sometimes he sends me a whole bag of balls.  I am so excited to get a new bag of tennis balls.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Today is mother's day.  I don't remember much about my mother.  I was very small and had lots of brothers and sisters.  I was the smallest and was kind of scrawny.  The most important day of my life was when TJ and Pat adopted me.  A mother takes care of their babies and loves them and teaches them things.  TJ is a wonderful mother.  Since TJ has to travel and can't take me with her Jean is my foster mother.  She takes care of me and loves me.  She doesn't have to teach me much because I am already very smart and know lots of things.  Mothers are very important.  For mother's day I took Jean and Jim and TJ and Pat for a walk.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Working Hard

Today I went to work with TJ and Pat.  We set up an information booth and told people about leave no trace.  I worked very hard.  I do not know how TJ and Pat do it without me because I am the most popular thing at the booth.


I just love when TJ and Pat come to visit.  I usually sleep on my bed in the kitchen all by myself.  When TJ and Pat are here I get to sleep with them.  We have been sleeping on an air mattress in the basement because we have lots of company.  I just love giving TJ and Pat kisses in the morning when we wake up.

Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy day.  My company is here.  Everyone comes just to see me.  TJ and Pat are here.  Dan and Cindy and Jason and Megan came back.  They love to play ball with me especially Dan.  They took me for a nice walk on the trail.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

More Company

Today I helped TJ and Pat clean up their car.  Since they pretty much live in their car it needs a good cleaning sometimes.  Then Dan, Cindy, Jason and Megan came back.  I had a lot of people to share my toys with.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A big surprise

Today started out like most days.  I got up and greeted Jim and Jean.  I went outside then I had my breakfast.  I went outside and helped Jim with some work in the vineyard.  In the afternoon I was inside and I heard a car come up.  Guess who it was?  TJ and Pat!  They drove a long way just to see me.  They were supposed to be at some girl scout camp but the event was cancelled so they came to see me.  I was so happy I couldn't stop wiggling.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some work and a walk

Today I helped Jim in the vineyard.  It is very hard work growing grape but we love being outside.  After dinner we took a walk on the trail.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Helping in the vineyard

Today our company left.  I will miss them because they liked to play with me.  I think they are coming back because they left some stuff here.  I helped Jim in the vineyard.  He was putting more dirt on the grape vines.

Boring Sunday

Sunday it was raining when we got up.  I can't play outside because Jean and Jim don't like muddy feet in theh house.  Everyone left and went to a family reunion.  I would like to have gone - I am part of the family after all but I had to stay home by myself.  When they came home I was really happy.  Our company likes to play ball with me. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Today company came.  Dan, Cindy, Jason and Megan.  They all loved me.  Dan threw the tennis ball for me.  He is really good at throwing.  They gave me pork and dinner.  I just love company.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The bottom of the peanut butter jar

Today it rained all day.  Seriously - it rained the whole day.  This means all I got to do was play some tennis ball in the basement.  But at lunchtime something exciting happened.  Jean had peanut butter on an apple then she gave me the peanut butter jar to lick out.  First I had it on the kitchen floor then I took it to my bed and licked and licked and licked.  It was so good I closed my eyes and was in heaven.  I love peanut butter.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Planting a vineyard

I have been working all weekend planting a vineyard.  Today the Jims put the vines in the ground and filled up the holes with dirt.  I was with them the hole time fetching sticks and helping.  This is very tiring work.  Jim and I need a nap when we are done.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Helping the Jims

I live with Jim but he's not the only Jim I know.  There are a lot of Jims around.  Country Grandpa is named Jim.  Jean has a brother named Jim.  He came to help Jim dig holes to plant the vineyard.  I had to help the Jims all day long.  It was hard work and I was very tired at the end of the day.  I just love helping the Jims.