Monday, April 4, 2016


Today Jim, Jean, TJ and Pat took me to Castlewood for a hike.  It was just a short hike.  Then we went to the river and found a stick.  They threw the stick for me and I got to go swimming.  It was fabulous!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


You will never guess what happened.  Yesterday was pretty much a regular day.  We took our walk in the evening.  We were relaxing and watching TV.  I was getting tired so I put myself to bed.  It was late and I heard a car in the driveway.  This surprised me because I did not know who would come to our house so late.  It was almost midnight - way past our bedtime.  It was TJ and Pat!  They came all the way from Colorado just to see me.  I was so excited.

Today we went for a nice walk on the new trail. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Getting Ready

Today I spent time outside with Jim.  He popped up the camper to clean it out.  He is getting ready to sell it.  I helped by staying outside and enjoying the day.
Then Jim trimmed up my hair.  I am getting ready for hot weather.  I feel so good and beautiful.

Next I helped Jim and Jean put clean sheet on the guest room bed.  This means company is coming.  I wonder who it is.

I made sure to put a tennis ball on the bed so the guests would play with me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Today I helped Jim wash the camper.  It has to be nice and  clean so he can sell it.  Then we went for a walk before lunch.  We cut the walk short because the sky was getting dark.  It rained and there was very loud thunder.  I stayed very close to Jean in her office while it stormed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

So Tired

I had a busy day.  Jim and I got in the Envoy and drove to the farm this morning.  We visited with Grandma and Grandpa.  We helped Grandpa with chores on the farm.  Then we hooked up the camper and brought it home.  We are going to sell the camper because Jim and Jean are buying a new one that is easier to set up.  When we got home Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a run.  I was tired and was not interested in running.  I wanted to walk and sniff.  Jim turned around with me and we walked to the river where I got to go wading.  Jean finished her run.  Then we came home for dinner.  I am so tired after my busy day.

Monday, March 28, 2016

My spot of sunshine

I love to lay in my spot of sunshine.  When the sun moves my spot of sun shine gets smaller and I have to move close to the window.

Today we took a walk in the subdivision.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Today is Easter.  Jim and Jean went to visit Jim and Linda.  They sent home a special gift for me - the ham bone - yum!